Services for Humanities Grad Students
What are the Resources To Which I Will Have Access as a JHU Alum?
Off-campus access to library resources is restricted by our database licenses to current students, faculty, and staff of JHU. To help address post-graduation access, the Alumni Association and the libraries have partnered to create Hopkins KnowledgeNet, which is the Alumni Online Library.
This online library is free to all JHU alumni. You can access academic journals, e-books, and more. If you have questions, please email the Alumni Office at, or call them at 410-516-0363 or 1-800-JHU-JHU1 (1-800-548-5481).
If you're in Baltimore, you may use materials and databases on-site in the library. Please bring an official photo ID to enter the library. Alumni may request materials held at the Libraries Service Center (LSC), our off-site shelving facility. Ask for the form at the Service Desk on M-level, or call (410) 516-8370.
As of 2021, alumni will no longer need to purchase a card for physical library privileges. Physical cards will be available upon request, once the Eisenhower Library reopens more broadly for alumni and the public.
After graduation, alumni will retain JHED ID for six months, which will allow for access to most licensed library subscription databases during this time, but not provide access to BorrowDirect or Interlibrary loan.