Physics and Astronomy

Explore library resources related to physics and astronomy.

Physics and Astronomy Information Sources

Use these databases to find journal articles. Need more options? See database lists for Physics and Astronomy & Astrophysics.

Catalyst searches all the JHU libraries. If the book you want isn't available you have a few options:

Preprint repositories allow researchers to share articles and reports of their research without going through the journal peer review process.

Conference proceedings can be found in a variety of databases.

Technical reports describe research done in response to a specific need and serve as a report of accountability to the funding agency. Funding agencies are often government agencies, but can also be private organizations as well.

A patent offers a monopoly on an invention for about 20 years depending on the country where the patent was issued. It gives the patent owner exclusive rights to exclude others from making or selling the invention described in the patent. Patents are useful for searching in order to identify new research fronts or licensing opportunities; avoid duplication of research effort. A patent contains valuable diagrams and detailed description that are often unpublished elsewhere.

JoVE Basic & Intermediate Physics Concepts Video Database

JoVE Science Education Database provides videos that graphically teach basic and intermediate concepts in physics.