Physics and Astronomy

Explore library resources related to physics and astronomy.

Best Ways to Use Google Scholar and Google Books

To find full text:

You can fix Scholar so that you always see the links on the right to our full text.
  • On your laptops and other devices, go to Scholar --> Settings (upper left corner) --> Library links -->
    enter "johns hopkins" --> click everything that comes up:

Also:  save your time.

  • In most databases including Scholar, it's best to use Advanced Search, to focus your search and save time:



  • UN-check "patents" (unless you want them) and "citations" (these are usually ephemeral things that you won't be able to find)
  • Always choose a date range

Easy export into a citation manager
  • Find an article or other item in any database
  • Copy its title
  • Paste the title into Google Scholar and find that citation
  • Under that citation, click the quotation marks

  • Click "RefWorks" (which is at the bottom):

OR, if you ALWAYS use RefWorks, just configure Scholar so that it always sends your citations to RefWorks:  at the top left in Scholar, choose Settings, and RefWorks:

Google Books

In your Google Scholar results, you may also see books.

  • If you click on the title, you will be taken to Google Books
  • However, copyright law usually prevents them from showing you the whole book
  • Search the library catalog for the book you want -- if we have it, you can see 100% of it
  • If we do not have a book in any format, you can request it through BorrowDirect or Interlibrary Loan: 
    Library home page --> Get Materials