Open Educational Resources (OER)

Open Educational Resources (OER) and Open Educational Practices (OEP) are pieces of information that are available for free use and adaptation for teaching or research purposes.

OER Websites and Search Tips

OER Search Tools

Use one of the following search engines to find OER options across multiple repository collections.

Tips for Searching OER:

  1. Use the advanced searching feature if there is one. This will save you some time and limit your search.
  2. Start with broad terms (ex. disease instead of cancer) and then narrow.
  3. As you narrow, think about disciplinary language. Is there something else this topic might be referred to as?
  4. If you still aren't getting good results, try to start with the browsing feature (even if it's very broad). Sometimes the term your searching isn't used but you still know it would be under a broad subject like "humanities" or "writing".

This infographic shows the process of searching for OER.

Infographic about seaching for open educational resources

Note: this infographic was adapted and modified from the University of Texas at Austin's original infographic.
For more information, see their Center for Open Educational Resources and Language Learning website.