News and Newspapers

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Access Campus Subscription to The New York Times website and app

The subscription to the New York Times ( website provides current Hopkins affiliates with personal accounts for customized access from computers, tablets and mobile devices This subscription does not include access to NYT Crossword/Games, Cooking, or e-reader editions (e.g. Kindle Fire, Nook). Patrons can use anywhere with an internet connection. Once registered, students will have access until graduation and faculty/staff will have 4 years of full account access. Once an account is set up, you may need to revisit this link to refresh an existing account. To create an account follow these steps:
Creating New Account 
    •    Step 1: Navigate to the Library database link
    •    Step 2: Login to campus network via JHED credential
    •    Step 3: Click “Create Account” and complete registration fields (Hopkins email ID required)
Existing New York Times ID
    •    Step 1: For patrons with an existing account, use the Library link, then click the "Already have an account?" "Log in here" link below the "Create Account" button.
    •    Step 2: Submit the details that you see on the screen to redeem your access

Access Campus Subscription to web and app versions of the Wall Street Journal (WSJ)

Wall Street Journal Digital Edition (4-year rolling archive)

On your first access, you will be asked to register for an account using your Hopkins email address. Follow the steps.

If you ALREADY have an account, it will say that you already have an account. Please follow the sign-in link under "email field" of the registration page. Or, you can access your WSJ account directly on

Because WSJ offers a lot of personalized access, there are a few other restrictions: 

  1. During registration, you will be asked to identify yourself as faculty, staff, or student. If you're a student, your graduation year can't be more than 5 years ago; if you have been here longer than 5 years, please call WSJ customer service and ask them to adjust the graduation date.
  2. Faculty and staff accounts are set up for one year. When the year is up, WSJ will send out an automatic email to refresh the account via Hopkins credential.
  3. Any patron with an existing account (e.g., Carey Business School) will be moved to the new University-wide access model, and they don't have to do do anything.
  4. Anyone with a personal account can cancel it, and request WSJ customer service to re-associate their JHU email (if they used it for the personal account) to new access via the Library.
  5. You will need to reactivate your JHU affiliation annually. 


Our access to most newspaper titles will not be the same as accessing the newspaper's online website. If you go directly to the website, you might access a few articles for free, but eventually you will hit a paywall and need to purchase an individual subscription. Instead, we purchase the same content on a different platform. You can see a list of titles and news collections here on our Newspapers page.

News Collections: