Art History
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Journal Articles
Use the indexes below to identify scholarly journal articles on your topic.
- International Bibliography of Art (IBA)Look here for scholarly articles published from 2008 to the present; for older materials in the same sources, use BHA below.
- Bibliography of the History of Art (BHA)Preceding IBA, above, use this index for scholarly articles published between 1975 and 2007.
- Art Full TextCovering journals published from 1985 to the present, look here for citations and some full text of scholarly and popular journals in the field; for older articles from these journals, search Art Index Retrospective below.
- Art Index RetrospectiveCovering journals published from 1929 to 1984, look here for citations and some full text of scholarly and popular journals in the field.
- ARTbibliographies Modern (ABM)The premier source of information on modern and contemporary arts dating from the late 19th century onward.
- Avery Index to Architectural PeriodicalsA comprehensive index of journal articles on architecture and design.
- Art & Archaeology Technical Abstracts (AATA)Find journal articles and book chapters related to the preservation and conservation of material cultural heritage.
- Index of Medieval ArtFormerly the Index of Christian Art, search this index for specific works of art, subject classification terms, and bibliography affiliated with the artwork.
- JSTORSearch this archive of full-text scholarly journals spanning a number of disciplines.