Art History
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Explore research tools in the field of art history
Background Information
Use the databases below to find definitions, general or contextual information, and basic bibliography.
- Oxford Art OnlineStart here for background information on artists, artistic media, and art movements. This tool comprises these important reference works: Grove Art Online, Benezit Dictionary of Artists, Concise Oxford Dictionary of Art Terms, Encyclopedia of Aesthetics, Oxford Companion to Western Art.
- Art & Architecture ThesaurusFrom the Getty Research Institute, look here to define and clarify art-related terms.
- Gale E-Book LibrarySearch this extensive collection of encyclopedias and dictionaries across many fields of study
- Oxford Reference OnlineExplore this extensive collection of reference works; note the Art & Architecture section.
- Encyclopedia Britannica OnlineFind basic information and clarify terms in any field of study.
- WikipediaUse cautiously for quick information - but verify in scholarly resources if used for research.