
Baltimore related information, tools, and strategies for research.

Health Information


1. The Baltimore Sun newspaper, 1990+

2. In 2003, the Exploring Health Disparities in Integrated Communities (EHDIC) study was done in southwest Baltimore in 2003. The PI was Dr. Thomas LaVeist of JHU's School of Public Health.

  • It consisted of interviews with residents about aspects of their lives and their health, with the purpose of investigating the level and cause of health disparities in that racially integrated area.
  • Here are the articles in PubMed about the study's findings, including statistics.

The Maryland Department of Health site includes vital records, information about drug / alcohol intoxication deaths, and genealogical information, among other information.


Public Health research guide --> Statistics -- United States

PubMed -- Here are the articles with the word "baltimore" in the article's TITLE (don't forget to choose dates)

The Johns Hopkins Center for a Livable Future is an excellent place to find information on the availability, or lack therof, of healthy food options for Baltimoreans