Comic Books and Graphic Novels

Comics Research Tools.

Utilizing this menu or the sidebar menu, select an option to help you find the information you are after. 

  • Background InformationFor reference works or works to help you develop a foundation of understanding for your topic, check these links.
  • Books and Dissertations: If you are looking for published works about comics, comics themselves, or academic dissertations and theses about comics, use these links.
  • Journal ArticlesLooking for peer-reviewed, academic articles on comics? This is the spot!
  • Websites, News, and CommentaryComics journalism, news, gossip, commentary and more can be found here!
  • Bibliographies: If you need bibliographic information about comics series, publishers, or creators these resources can be a great help. 
  • Citing Comics: Citing comics in academic work can be tricky. Learn the ropes with the resources presented here. 
  • Guides and Other Miscellania: Didn't find what you were after in other sections? Perhaps some external guides might have what you're after.