Data Management and Sharing
- Sheridan Libraries
- Guides
- Data Management and Sharing
- How to Find a Data Repository
Find a Repository
When sharing your research data code, and documentation, there are many repositories to choose from. Some repositories are domain specific, and focus on a very narrow type of research. Other repositories, known as generalists, accept data from multiple disciplines and in various file formats. Another aspect of repositories is the ease with which data is accessible (controlled-access or public).
Qualities to Look For in a Repository
- Data Services selecting a repository for data deposit: Tips and set of questions researchers can use in determining whether a particular research data repository will work for their circumstances.
- NIH guidance on selecting a repository: List of desirable characteristics to look for when choosing a repository to manage and share data resulting from Federally funded research.
- Nature Data Repository guidance: Because Nature does not host data, this is guide for researchers who are publishing with them on qualities to look for when determining where to share their data.
- Data Sharing Tiers for Broad Sharing of JHM Clinically Derived Data: Written by JHU Data Trust, a guide to determining the types of repositories you can use to share clinical data. Requires JHU affiliation JHED to login.
- General JHU IRB Expectations for Sharing of Individual Level Research Data: Written by JHU IRBs. The table outlines considerations researchers should be aware of when developing plans for data sharing when the data to be shared is from human research participants.
Data Repository Registries/Lists
- A global registry of data repositories that covers research data repositories from different academic disciplines and with varying access controls.
- NIH-supported Scientific Data Repositories: A browsable list of NIH-supported repositories including a description and data submission instructions for each repository.
- Welch Medical Library Research Data Repositories & Databases guide: Description of medically-related databases and repositories to find datasets for secondary analysis. Many of those listed are also options for data submission.
- Welch Medical Library Data Catalogs & Search Engines: A list of repositories that you can find secondary data and publish your own data in.
- FAIRsharing Database Registry: A registry of knowledgebases and repositories of data and other digital assets.
Johns Hopkins Research Data Repository
- Johns Hopkins Research Data Repository: Open access repository for the long-term management and preservation of research data. Johns Hopkins researchers can use the JHU Data Archive to meet their funder and/or journal data sharing requirements.
- Description of the Repository: an overview of the benefits of using the JHU Data Archive and the procedures for getting started
- FAQs about the Johns Hopkins Research Data Repository
Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research (ICPSR)
ICPSR has one of the largest archives of social science datasets in the world and is free to deposit your data into. It is designed for both public-use and restricted-use data.
Repository-Specific Data Submission Guidelines
Prior to depositing into a repository you should review the submission guidelines as they likely will require you to format your data a particular way and include specific metadata with your submission.
- Submitting data to the Gene Expression Omnibus
- Info on submitting to dbGaP
- dbGaP Study Submission Guide
- Data Sharing for Next-Generation Sequencing: an online course created by Welch medical library that discusses preparing genomic data for sharing including into dbGaP.
- SRA Submission Quick Start
- Johns Hopkins Research Data Repository