Data and Statistics

Finding and accessing data and statistics across a range of disciplines.


China Data Online
This database contains millions of series of time series and graphs and tables. The whole database consists of six main channels that are Macro-economy, Imports and Exports, Industrial Data, Business Directories, Analysis Reports, Publications.  Please note you need to go to "My Account" in the menu to see what portions of the database we have current access to.

China Statistical Yearbook Database

The largest and continuously updated statistical yearbooks database in China, including all aspects and fields. Resources are from the yearbooks published by China Statistics Press and edited by China Statistics Yearbooks Editorial Board, season monthly data published by national and provincial department of statistics and country/region development statistical data published by main international institutions. Coverage is 1949-current.

Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU) Country Data and City Data
The City Data collection covers cost-of-living prices of products and services in cities worldwide. Performs data analysis and converts currency.  The Country Data collection contains annual, quarterly and monthly economic indicators and forecasts, covering more than 320 economic series for 150 countries, as well as 45 regional aggregates, running from 1980 and forecasting out five years.  When you click on the link above, scroll down the page to locate both collections - you access each separately.

European Union Open Data Portal
Launched in 2015, the European Union Open Data Portal is the single point of access to a growing range of data from the institutions and other bodies of the European Union (EU).  The data provided is free to use and reuse for non-commercial purposes.  The aim of the portal is to promote innovative data use.

Comprehensive statistical hub for European Union and candidate countries.  Use the Statistics tab to view available stats by subject. Microdata is available by request. Johns Hopkins is a recognized research entity, so if applying for microdata, go directly to step 2: Apply for access to microdata.

MPI Immigration Data Hub
The Migration Policy Institute (MPI) Data Hub showcases the most current national and state-level demographic, social, and economic facts about immigrants to the US; as well as stock, flow, citizenship, net migration, and historical data for countries in Europe, North America, and Oceania.

OECD iLibrary
OECD iLibrary contains all the publications and datasets released by OECD (Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development), International Energy Agency (IEA), Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA), OECD Development Centre, PISA (Programme for International Student Assessment), and International Transport Forum (ITF) since 1998.  Click on Statistics link at the top to go directly to the Statistics section. 

The United Nations Statistics Division (UNSD) of the Department of Economic and Social Affairs (DESA) launched an internet-based data service for the global user community. It brings UN statistical databases (including UNESCO, WHO, and UNAIDS) within easy reach of users through a single entry point where users can now search and download a variety of statistical resources.  You can manipulate data by the use of filters and pivot tables, and can download files in XML, comma, semicolon or pipe delimited.  Note that documentation is not included with much of the data, which can make interpretation of values difficult.  Also, data will not always be available for all countries, in all subjects, in all years.  The source of the data is always listed below your data table if the data are unclear.

World Bank Data Catalog
The World Bank's Open Data initiative is intended to provide all users with access to World Bank data. The data catalog is an expanding listing of available World Bank data sources.  Click on Data Catalog in the menu bar below the Data heading to see the full catalog and the ways in which you can access the data.  Please note that World Development Indicators is included here (direct link below for your convenience).

World Development Indicators
WDI provides an expanded view of the world economy for 148 countries with chapters focusing on world view, people, environment, economy, states and markets, and global links as well as introductions highlighting recent research on major development issues.

World Health Organization (WHO)
The WHO monitors the global health situation from mortality and burden of disease to health equity to road safety.  The Global Health Observatory is a deeper interactive database that brings together core health statistics for the 193 WHO Member States. It comprises more than 100 indicators, which can be accessed by way of a quick search, by major categories, or through user-defined tables. The data can be further filtered, tabulated, charted and downloaded.