Women Gender and Sexuality

A guide to resources and research in Women, Gender and Sexuality

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Getting Started

Search tips:
  • Look in specialized image databases first. These have more advanced image searching capacity than Google.
  • Look in journal indexes for illustrated articles. Many articles in periodicals have great illustrations.
  • Search for illustrated books in our library online catalog.
  • If at first you don't succeed, try again:
    • Are there other terms that describe your subject?
    • Are there more concrete symbols that represent abstract concepts (e.g. ""heart" or "kiss" instead of "love")?
    • If you aren't turning up many results, try more general terms.

If you are still having problems, ask a librarian for help!

Start with these Resources

Web Resources

Creative Commons Materials

Creative Commons

Be sure the images you select are free from restrictions! Here are some sources to explore:

  • CC Search - a search engine to find freely available images via Creative Common.s
  • Flickr Commons - to limit search to Creative Commons, click Advanced Search and check the appropriate box. When you click on an image you like, look for the copyright info under "Additional Information" in the bottom right.
  • Wikimedia Commons - a database of freely usable media files.
  • Google Usage Rights - to limit search, click Advanced Search and select appropriate level of access under "usage rights".
  • MorgueFile - Free stock photos, created by artists for the common good.
  • Finding Images Guide - explore the JHU guide on how to locate images; note that most of these are not free of license restriction, be sure to explore each image individual for permission.

Some Rights Reserved This Photo is visible to everyone

Be sure to cite the source of your restriction-free image!


  • Image title

  • Image creator / username

  • Service providing access

  • Creative Commons license number or Public Domain designation

  • URL for image so we can link back to the original source

EXAMPLE: Image by Everyskyline via Flickr / CC by 2.0 






If you're talking about a particular database or licensed research tool, consider using the product logo in your post.

But, be sure to:

  • check for any specific restrictions on the vendor website
  • make the logo link directly to the product (proxified, of course!)

Like this:

morgue file