Science Writing (AAP)
Explore key resources for writers in the science and medical fields.

Siân Evans
Librarian for: Africana Studies, History, History of Science and Technology, and Women, Gender and Sexuality
Resources in Science and Medical Writing
- PubMedPubMed lists journal articles back to 1947. It indexes about 5,400 journals and covers the areas of medicine, nursing, dentistry, veterinary medicine, health care systems, preclinical sciences, and related areas.
- ScopusScopus is a comprehensive scientific, medical, technical and social science database. Scopus also allows for citation searching back to 1996.
- Web of ScienceWeb of Science actually lets you search science, engineering, medicine, social sciences, arts, and humanities journals for articles on a topic. You can also do citation searching back to 1900.
- Science DatabaseProQuest Science Database is a definitive resource for students studying both the applied and general sciences. Whether you’re researching the effects of global warming or interested in the latest scandal surrounding genetically modified food, ProQuest Science Journals™ will guide you directly to the information you need.
- JSTORJSTOR is an archive of important scholarly journals, spanning many disciplines. The most recent 3-5 years are not included.
- Nexis UniContains the full text of hundreds of publications, including law journals, wire services, country economic reports, government publications, magazines, newspapers, news digests, and industry-specific newsletters and periodicals.
- PsycINFOThis database contains more than one million citations and summaries of journal articles, book chapters, books, dissertations and technical reports, all in the field of psychology. It also includes information about the psychological aspects of related disciplines such as medicine, psychiatry, nursing, sociology, education, pharmacology, physiology, linguistics, anthropology, business and law. Journal coverage, which spans from 1887 to present, includes international material selected from more than 1,700 periodicals in over 35 languages.
- Academic Search UltimateAcademic Search Ultimate is a scholarly, full text database designed for academic institutions. The database includes full text as well as images, for nearly every academic field of study.
- Science.govsearches over 38 databases and 1,950 selected websites, offering 200 million pages of authoritative U.S. government science information, including research and development results
- USA.GovOfficial Website for Government Information. Below are relevant selected agencies.
Legislative information from the Library of Congress. Bill summaries, floor activity, committee reports, treaties
- JHU Experts Research Profiles (Pure Elsevier - Formally SciVal)This research tool (which uses the Elsevier PURE model) identifies biomedical experts and their publications by areas of expertise. Designed to facilitate faculty research and project collaboration, the information is based on the published output indexed in the PubMed database.
Columbia Journalism Review - The Art of the Interview There are some great tips in here, but this is geared towards journalists, rather than researchers.
Watch the video below for examples of good and bad interviews and the top ten tips for a good research interview. Remember to take notes, and audio record so that you can pull direct quotes and accurately summarize when needed.