Teaching and Learning
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- Teaching and Learning
- Action Research
Research materials, tools, and information for teachers and instructional designers at all levels of education.
Ethics and Education Research
Call Number: Online
Core Journals for Action Research
- Educational Action ResearchPublishes action research in education, including reflective practice, professional development, curriculum development and democratic management.
- Action Research: ARAction Research is an international, interdisciplinary, peer reviewed, quarterly published refereed journal which is a forum for the development of the theory and practice of action research.
- International Journal of Action ResearchIJAR – International Journal of Action Research provides a forum for an open and non dogmatic discussion about action research, regarding both its present situation and future perspectives. This debate is open to the variety of action research concepts worldwide. The focus is on dialogues between theory and practice.
Research Design and Methods
- SAGE Research MethodsAn extensive, comprehensive online resource filled with in-depth, step-by-step descriptions of how and when to conduct specific types of research. It covers all the widely used (and some rarer) qualitative and quantitative techniques.