Advanced Google, Wikipedia, Open Web

The internet consists of approximately 4-5 billion websites. This guide is intended to help you navigate the visible internet in order to get the best of what it has to offer your research.

Google Scholar: Best Practices

Google Scholar is a common first stop for students conducting research. Scholar offers access to a wide variety of books, journals, articles, case law, and more. However, in many cases, Scholar cannot provide access to the full text of these resources. Enter Find It! 

If you are doing your research from a JHU network, Scholar will automatically provide a Find It link to your results. Sometimes it is provided at the right an individual result as pictured here. 



If it cannot be seen there, simply check underneath the result where there are two small arrows. 

Click there to expand your options then click "FIND IT@JHU FullText."


This link will bring you back to the JHU Library website, where you can find or request full-text access to the resource you found on Google Scholar. 

Off Campus Research

Find It is a fantastic tool and simple to use. But what if you are working off-campus? 

Simply use the hamburger menu at the top left of the Google Scholar site to access your settings.