International Development (SAIS)
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Data Portals
- Statista: the Statistics Portal This link opens in a new windowIntegrates data on over 80,000 topics from over 22,000 sources in 170 industries
- Google Dataset SearchGoogle search engine for datasets hosted across the Web
Aid, Development, and Investment Data
- World Bank DataBank This link opens in a new windowIncludes World Devt. Indicators, Global Development Finance, African Devt. Indicators and more.
- UN Development Programme - Human Development DataStatistical tables that accompany the Human Development Reports showing key indices of human development around the world. Includes the UNDP Human Development Index (HDI)
- Millennium Development Indicators DataIndicators of progress in the areas of debt, child mortality, education, environment, gender, hunger, health, telecommunications, and others.
- Least Developed Countries: Report (UNCTAD)Annual reports with statistical annexes. 1996-present.
- PovcalNetPovcalNet is an interactive computational tool that allows you to replicate the calculations made by the World Bank's researchers in estimating the extent of absolute poverty in the world, including the $1 a day poverty measures.
- Poverty Mapping (SEDAC)NASA and Columbia University's Global Poverty Mapping Project. Includes datasets on poverty, health, and food security. Free login required to download datasets.
- World Development Report (World Bank)Also available in print (HC 59.7 .I52)
- Atlas of Global Development (World Bank)Visualize and analyze a variety of data in depth, over a long time period.
- Legatum Prosperity IndexAn annual ranking of 110 countries, according to a variety of factors including wealth, economic growth, personal wellbeing, governance, and quality of life.
- OECD Development Finance Data (DCD-DAC)Includes country and sector data. Note: A limited set of country options.
- AidDataFree open data site for international development, via William & Mary's Global Research Institute
- World Bank Annual ReportOnline only
- Foreign Assistance.govExplains where U.S. foreign aid is invested.
- U.S. Overseas Loans and Grants (Greenbook)Provides the underlying data used in the U.S. Overseas Loans and Grants (Greenbook).
- US Foreign Aid ExplorerData from USAID
- UNCTADstatGives access to more than 150 time series covering a wide range of topics covering long periods for almost all economies of the world.
- World Investment Report (UNCTAD)Covers trends and analysis in foreign direct investment.
- Direct Investment and Multinational enterprise (MNE) activitiesData tables for both US investment abroad and FDI in the US from the Bureau of Economic Analysis, U.S. Dept. of Commerce.
- Last Updated: Dec 12, 2024 4:18 PM
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