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International Development (SAIS)

Annotated Bibiograhies

For the Women Lead practicum at SAIS. students must prepare an annotated bibliography listing, describing and commenting on primary sources of information for their team's project.

Annotated Bibliographies

To browse examples of annotated bibliographies published as articles:

Connect to ProQuest Databases

  • Enter "annotated bibliography" in search box 
  • Check the boxes next to "full text" and "scholarly journals"

Connect to JStor

  • Under "Item Type", select "Article" (to avoid reviews of book-length annotated bibliographies)

Try similar searches in other databases.

Evaluating Sources (aka The CRAAP Test)

Consider the date the source was published.  Based on what you know of the field and the subject, is it current enough to still provide relevant information? Why or why not?   

How does this material contribute to your understanding of the problem/topic, or how is it useful to your research?       

Is the material peer reviewed? If not, what makes you trust the information?     
How do you know that the author is qualified to write on this topic? 

What gaps or inconsistencies do you see in the research?
Do the sources and/or methods used seem reasonable based on the topic, population and setting?
What could have been done to make them stronger?         

Who/what audience is the article written for?         
What, if any, bias can you determine from the research?                                                                 


Credit to the Meriam Library at CSU Chico for formulating the CRAAP test (PDF).