Cognitive Science
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- Cognitive Science
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Research Methods
- SAGE Research MethodsAn extensive, comprehensive online resource filled with in-depth, step-by-step descriptions of how and when to conduct specific types of research. It covers all the widely used (and some rarer) qualitative and quantitative techniques.
- Oxford Bibliographies on LinguisticsExcellent reference database for brief articles and definitions of terminology by contributors in the field.
- Open Encyclopedia of Cognitive ScienceThe Open Encyclopedia of Cognitive Science is a multidisciplinary guide to understanding the mind. A freely-available, growing collection of peer-reviewed articles introducing key topics to a broad audience of students and scholars.
- JoVE Science Education DatabaseVideo database dedicated to teaching laboratory fundamentals through simple, easy to understand video demonstrations. Videos are divided into collections like General Laboratory Techniques, Essentials of Neuroscience, and Essentials of Genetics.
- Springer Nature ExperimentsSpringer Nature Experiments searches across a large collection of protocols and methods by technique, organism, equipment, and keywords. Content is from Nature Protocols, Springer Protocols, Nature Methods, and Protocol Exchange.
- The Student Survival Guide for Research Methods in Psychologydesigned to support students enrolled in undergraduate or graduate level research methods courses by providing them with the tools they need to succeed. It goes beyond course material to help students engage more fully with research methods content.
Online Reference Books
You'll find these online reference books useful when you need quick background information, you can't remember a fact, or you're starting a project in an area you're not familiar with.
- Encyclopedia of NeuroscienceNeuroscience encyclopedia that includes neurosurgery, psychiatry, and other topics related to neuroscience.
- Encyclopedia of the Neurological SciencesOnline encyclopedia with over 1000 entries about the neurological sciences. Articles available in both HTML and PDF formats.
- Handbook of Clinical LinguisticsThe Handbook of Clinical Linguistics is an original, in-depth survey of the field for students and practitioners of speech-language pathology, linguistics, psychology, and education.
- International Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioral SciencesHuge reference work that attempts to integrate these two large areas of work and research.
Selected Print Reference Books
These print books provide an overview of cognitive science.
Encyclopedia of Cognitive Science
Call Number: Eisenhower C Level Reference, Non-Circulating BF311.E53 2003A four-volume set that provides a comprehensive look at all aspects of cognitive science. Heavily illustrated, it also provides bibliographies and lists of further readings. These books can only be used in the Eisenhower Library and cannot be checked out.Principles of Cognitive Neuroscience
Call Number: Eisenhower C Level Reference, Non-Circulating QP360.5 .P73 2013ISBN: 9780878935734A heavily illustrated textbook. Includes a glossary and an appendix on the human nervous system. This book can only be used in the Eisenhower Library and cannot be checked out.