Economics and Finance (SAIS)
Company Information
These databases offer company information for both U.S. and international companies. For even more possibilities, including some resources covering the U.S. only, see the Sheridan Libraries' Business Guide.
- Mergent Market Atlas This link opens in a new windowSearchable profiles of thousands of public and private U.S. and international companies, fulltext industry reports, and a wide range of indicators.
- Hoovers Online This link opens in a new windowProfiles for publicly traded and privately held companies, including Chinese companies.
- Mintel Oxygen This link opens in a new windowPrimarily U.S. market research reports on brands, products, and consumers.
- Nexis Dossier This link opens in a new windowWho owns whom: public, private, U.S. and international companies and their subsidiaries. Create lists of foreign firms operating in the US and vice versa. Select the Company Dossier option from the top menu in Nexis Uni. NOTE: Limited to one user at a time.
- S&P NetAdvantage This link opens in a new windowCompany and industry analysis, news, and information on executives, stocks, bonds, and mutual funds.
- CSMAR Databases This link opens in a new windowCSMAR is a unique, comprehensive database of China stock returns, covering all companies listed on the Shanghai Stock Exchange and Shenzhen Stock Exchange. Coverage from 1990. Access via Wharton Research Data Services. First-time users must register first.
- LSEG Workspace This link opens in a new windowFormerly called Refinitiv, LSEG is useful for tracking industries, companies, private equity and venture capital deals, mergers and acquisitions, loans, bonds, commodities and other market activity. Read the instructions for setting up an account here:
- SEC Filings & Forms (EDGAR)Publicly traded companies (those which sell stock) provide financial data and other information to the Securities Exchange Commission (SEC). These reports are also in Mergent and Thomson One.
- Data Axle Reference Solutions This link opens in a new windowFormerly ReferenceUSA, this is a comprehensive business directory of public, private, nonprofit, and government organizations (N. America). Created customized lists by industry,etc.
- Business and Human Rights Resource CentreNews and reports about companies' human rights impacts (positive and negative) worldwide. You can sign up for Weekly Updates.
- Last Updated: Mar 3, 2025 2:46 PM
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