Economics and Finance (SAIS)
MAGR Resources
Below are a set of core resources that support research for students in the Master of Arts in Global Risk (MAGR) program. Note that many more resources appear throughout the full Economics and Finance Guide (see pages at left), as well as the Key Resources for International Relations Guide.
As always, please contact Frary Library if you have any questions.
Starting Points
- ProQuest All Databases This link opens in a new window100+ databases covering scholarly articles, dissertations, news, and more.
- IMF eLibrary Data This link opens in a new windowInt'l Financial Statistics, Balance of Payments, Direction of Trade, Govt Finance Statistics, and more.
- Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU) Viewpoint This link opens in a new windowSource for respected country analysis reports, data, and industry information. Click on "Geography" to search by country.
- BMI (formerly FitchConnect) This link opens in a new windowSearch across 200 countries for banking & finance, risk, defense, energy and other industry reports.
- Finaeon (formerly Global Financial Data GFD) This link opens in a new windowCovering 300 years, Finaeon tracks the growth of the European, US and global economies in the 1800s and 1900s for developing and emerging markets. Note: Users must create an account. You will be assigned a unique User Name and Password using your JHU e-mail.
- Statista: the Statistics Portal This link opens in a new windowIntegrates data on over 80,000 topics from over 22,000 sources in 170 industries
- BMI (formerly FitchConnect) This link opens in a new windowIncludes substantial country risk reports, as well as industry reports (varies country to country).
- This link opens in a new windowOffers over 75 country-risk related variables, as well as forecasts, economic, political, geographic, and social data from the PRS Group’s Political Risk Services.
- Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU) Viewpoint This link opens in a new windowChoose "Geography", then a country and the choose "one-click report" for full risk analysis.
- PRS Group Political Risk YearbookBusiness Source Complete offers access to the Political Risk Yearbook (published annually for 100 countries). Search for: political risk yearbook [insert country name]
- ABI/Inform Collection This link opens in a new windowIncludes some EIU and Oxford Economic reports. Enter your country name as location and risk as subject.
- Coface: Country Risk and Economic ResearchA free website offering country risk and business climate information
- Financial Times Digital Edition This link opens in a new windowNote: First-time access requires creation of an individual account using your JHU email. After setup, you can login directly at
- Wall Street Journal ( This link opens in a new windowNote: First-time access requires creation of an individual account using your JHU email. After set-up, you can login at
- Economist Digital Edition This link opens in a new windowNote: First-time access requires creation of an individual account using your JHU email. After setup, you can login directly at, using Log in with SSO.
- New York Times Digital Edition This link opens in a new windowNote: First-time access requires creation of an individual account using your JHU email. After set-up, you can login at
- Last Updated: Mar 3, 2025 2:46 PM
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