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These databases are a great place to start.
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- ERICCitations and abstracts from the world's largest education database. ERIC Tutorial
- Education SourceIndexes articles in education journals and magazines.
- APA PsycINFOIndexes and abstracts 1300 leading international journals in psychology and related behavioral disciplines. The online version available on the Web, updated monthly, includes a periodical article index from 1887 to the present and a book chapters index from 1987 to the present, as well as all the records from the print version Psychological Abstracts.
- Education DatabaseOffering complete information on hundreds of educational topics.
- Web of Science / Social Sciences Citation IndexSocial Sciences Citation Index®, a part of Web of Science®, provides access to the bibliographic and citation information to find research data, analyze trends, journals and researchers.
- Google ScholarGoogle Scholar searches academic publishers, professional societies and pre-print archives.
- Chronicle of Higher EducationA source for in-depth articles and news on teaching and administrative issues facing colleges and universities. A key newspaper for postings of faculty jobs in higher education.
- ScopusIncludes citation information for scientific, medical, technical and social sciences literature.
- Education WeekNews, blogs, reports, data, events and multimedia on current topics in education.