Market Research Reports
- BCC ResearchBCC's market research reports concisely provide market intelligence, five-year forecasting, statistical and analytical data, key players, market share, industry structure and dynamics, technology trends and shifts, and the major developments of industrial, pharmaceutical, and high technology organizations. Its industry categories include health care, advanced materials, high-tech systems and components, nanotechnology, and novel processing methods. Key analysts are available to address data-specific questions.
- IBISWorldIBISWorld provides industry research reports and profiles for more than 700 United States industries as well as a wide range of industries in China and Canada. Reports include industry performance, outlook, major companies, supply chain, demand drivers, cost structure, barriers to entry, and key statistics.
- AcademicCurrent and archived market research reports from selected firms are provided by Market for consumer goods, health care, biotechnology, pharmaceuticals and other industries. Includes reports on demographic groups. Licensed strictly for non-commercial use.
- MintelU.S. market research reports, news and analysis on consumer goods and services. Includes data on brands, products, and consumers. Create an account with your JHU e-mail address to save work, if desired. Licensed strictly for non-commercial use.
- Passport GMIDEuromonitor International's database of data and analysis for markets, companies, countries, and consumers. U.S. and international coverage. Licensed strictly for non-commercial use.
Industry Research Resources
- BizMinerBizMiner offers granular industry statistical reports that provide industry financial analysis benchmarks for more than 5,000 lines of business and industry market trends on thousands more. Market analysis reports are available at the national and local levels down to the zip code.
- FitchConnectFind country-specific and industry-specific risk analyses, and Fitch-developed reports on infrastructure, power, mining, and other key industry projects currently underway worldwide.
- S&P NetadvantageThe S&P Capital IQ NetAdvantage database is a rich resource for in-depth company and industry analysis, news, and information on executives, stocks, bonds, and mutual funds. View links to left of a company profile. Refer to peer comparison charts in the back of particular Industry Surveys for financials and ratios.
- StatistaGo to the "Services" menu at the top of Statista to access the "Business Plan Export" tool and create a market analysis. Or, search through millions of statistics by keyword.
Industry Codes
- Guide to Industrial Classification Codes (SIC, NAICS)In-depth guide to researching codes and their applications in industry and market research.
- Find NAICS CodesThe North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) is the standard used by Federal statistical agencies in classifying business establishments for the purpose of collecting, analyzing, and publishing statistical data related to the U.S. business economy. By finding the NAICS code for your industry, you can easily search for the industry in library databases as well as online.
- Find SIC CodesWhile Standard Industry Classification codes have been mostly superseded by NAICS codes, some organizations, such as the Securities and Exchange Commission, still use them to classify businesses.
- NAICS AssociationLook up NAICS or SIC codes or use their crosswalk tool to convert one to the other.