Film and Media Studies
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- Film and Media Studies
- Finding Films
Explore research tools in the fields of film, artistic media, and cinema
Finding Films
Use the tools below to identify and locate films in our collections or elsewhere in both DVD/BluRay and streaming formats.
Video on the Web
- has two goals: to build a national preserve of hard-to-find documentary films about American folk or roots cultures, and to give them renewed life by streaming them on the internet.
- Moving Image ArchiveMoving Image Archive is part of the Internet Archive site. Its collection contains thousands of videos which range from classic full-lenth movies to daily news broadcasts and user-uploaded videos from every genre.
- YouTubeYouTube allows people to upload and share video clips through websites, mobile devices, blogs, and e-mail. YouTube does not claim responsibilty for content.
Selected Film Websites
- Internet Movie Database (IMDB)IMDB includes information on movies from around the world, including early cinema to the latest releases. The website offers filmographies, biographies, plot summaries, cast and credit lists, etc.
- All-Movie GuideThe site provides information on feature movies and some major documentaries, and is searchable by film, people, genre, country, period, and mood.
- Masters of CinemaMasters of Cinema is an organic, international initiative founded in 2001 by four friends with a mutual interest in the films of auteurs. The site aims to bring pertinent information together in one place for aficionados of World Cinema.