Film and Media Studies
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- Film and Media Studies
- Background Information
Explore research tools in the fields of film, artistic media, and cinema
Background Information
Use the databases below to find definitions, general or contextual information, and basic bibliography.
Basic Film Information
Use these resources for basic information about films; including directors, producers, cast, crew, distributor, and more.
- Film Index InternationalFind information about films worldwide.
- American Film Institute (AFI) CatalogFind information about American movies.
Encyclopedias and Bibliographies
The resources below are useful to explore a topic in a general way and to provide basic bibliography on a subject.
- Oxford Bibliographies Online: Cinema & Media StudiesThis database offers brief encyclopedic entries with extensive lists of peer-reviewed books, articles, and websites on many important topics in the field.
- Encyclopedia Britannica OnlineFor basic information and clarification of terms
- Gale Virtual Reference LibraryExtensive collection of encyclopedias and dictionaries across many fields of study
- Oxford Reference OnlineExtensive collection of reference works from Oxford University Press.
- WikipediaUse cautiously for quick information - but verify in scholarly resources if used for research.