Finding Images

Learn the best methods to identify and utilize images in many fields of study

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Edgar Allen Poe Digital ID: TH-44194. New York Public Library

William Oberhardt, Edgar Allen Poe, from the Billy Rose Theatre Collection photograph file, courtesy of the NYPL Digital Library.

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Images from these databases may be used for papers and class presentations, but use is expressly limited to educational activities.

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Among the art-specific databases, Art Full Text and Art Index Retrospective both index artwork illustrations that appear in journals.

To find illustrations via these databases, follow these steps:

  • Go to Art Full Text or Art Index Retrospective (you may search them simultaneously if click on "Open databases" when you're in one of them, then check-mark them both)
  • Enter a subject or other search term on one line
  • Enter the phrase art reproduction and select document type from the drop-down box

The results will include bibliographic citations for artwork illustrations that appear in scholarly journal articles; you may then use FIND IT to locate the appropriate portion of the journal.



Art and Art History



Near-Eastern Studies