Student Life
Student life is documented through various kinds of records, perhaps the most important being the student newspaper and the yearbook:
- The Johns Hopkins News-Letter, first published in 1897, is available on JScholarship through 1991 and Internet Archive from 1991 to 2018.
- The yearbooks, 1889-2015, are also available online.
- “The History of Student Life at JHU” is an online exhibit put together by students documenting the history of Hopkins student life.
- Student Organizations Records is a collection of materials documenting student organizations at Hopkins.
- The Johns Hopkins University Alumni Collection comprises records donated by Hopkins alumni documenting their time as students.
- Our collection of first-generation students oral histories feature recordings, all online, of Hopkins students who were the first in their families to attend college.
- The Campus Protest Collection contains records documenting activism (most of it student-organized) at Hopkins.
To search for other records relating to student life, use ArchivesSpace and search by keyword (for example, "Black Student Union" or "ROTC"). Also useful is browsing by the subject "Student life (university function)."