- Sheridan Libraries
- Guides
- Psychology
- Funding and Metrics
Library resources related to psychology and brain science..
Data Management
- The Library Data Services Department supports JHU researchers, faculty, and students on the Homewood and East Baltimore campuses with a spectrum of resources for working with data to make your research and teaching successful.
- The NIH Data Management and Sharing Policy Guide supports researchers' efforts to comply with the 2022 NIH Data Management and Sharing Policy. It offers step-by-step guidance on how to plan for data sharing and write a data management and sharing plan to meet NIH requirements.
Funding Opportunities
The Welch library has a guide that provides an overview of grants and funding resources available to the Hopkins community. It also provides information for users who need help with NIH Biographical Sketch formatting, along with funding resources available from NIH centers and institutes.
- National Institutes of HealthNational Institutes of Health maintains a comprehensive web site on grants and funding information.
- Grants.govA central storehouse for information on over 1,000 grant programs, which provides access to approximately 500 billion dollars in annual awards.
- PivotDiscovery and workflow tool that combines a comprehensive source of global funding opportunities with the largest collection of scholar profiles into one intuitive solution. With Pivot, researchers, faculty and research administrators can explore new avenues for funding, view funding opportunities uniquely matched to their scholar profile, collaborate with colleagues and manage the results of the process to build a funding strategy that supports both immediate and long-term funding needs.
- Foundation Directory OnlineDatabase of the entire universe of U.S. foundations, corporate giving programs, and grantmaking public charities, plus a growing number of non-U.S. grantmakers; a database of sponsoring companies, offering a quick pathway to corporate funders; a database of recently awarded grants; and a keyword-searchable database of recently filed IRS Forms 990 and 990-PF.
- Grant Forward (formerly IRIS)Set up a profile with your university e-mail address to identify grant opportunities.
Scholarly metrics are a way for the impact of an article, author, or journal to be measured quantitatively.
- Scholarly Metrics GuideAn in-depth guide to working with scholarly metrics.
- Cabell's International: Scholarly AnalyticsCabells is the complete source for journal info, evaluation metrics, and submission details.
- Data Citation IndexLook up a survey and find how often and where it's been cited.
- Essential Science Indicators InCites Essential Science Indicators provides access to a unique and comprehensive compilation of essential science performance statistics and science trend data. The chief indicators of output, or productivity, are journal article publication counts. Data in Essential Science Indicators are limited to Thomson Scientific-indexed journal articles only.
- Google ScholarIf author has created a user profile, Google Scholar provides some article- and author-level metrics and a graph.
- InCites: Benchmarking & Analytics A customized evaluation tool that allows you to analyze institutional productivity and benchmark your output against peers worldwide. Customized citation data, global metrics, and multidimensional profiles on the leading research institutions, InCites gives comprehensive insight into your institution's performance. Must create an account first.
- Journal Citation ReportsProvides journal-level metrics including Impact Factor and Immediacy Index.
- ScopusProvides article- and researcher-level metrics, as well as graphs.
- Web of ScienceProvides article- and researcher-level metrics, as well as charts and graphs for journal articles and conference proceedings.
- DimensionsUse Dimensions to:
-Conduct topical searches across publications, datasets, policy documents, grants, clinical trials and patents
-Find citation metrics and altmetrics attention for publications
-Analyze research outputs of researchers and research organizations
-Retrieve automatically-created analytics and visualizations, and export results to create your own
-Compare organizational strengths and identify collaborators and competitors.