Writing Seminars

Books and research tools for creative writers

Science Articles and Background Information

Find the subject that best fits your research area in our list of all databases by subject. Use the recommended "Core Databases" to search for articles within that field; you can learn more about each database by clicking on the circular blue "Information" icon next to its name.

Go to the "Background" section for relevant reference sources, like encyclopedias, dictionaries, and handbooks.

Open Access

Open Access is a new model for publishing research, especially scientific research, in response to the high price of journal subscriptions. The Scholarly Publishing and Academic Resources Coalition (SPARC) lists resources on open access issues.

The Scholarly Communications LibGuide contains several pages about Open Access to help you locate publishers who support the free exchange of information.

Best Science Writing

There are several collections of award-winning or celebrated science writing, sometimes issued serially. In addition to the titles below, you can find books in Catalyst using these subject headings:

Science-Popular Works

Popular Science

Discoveries in science

Government Publications and Primary Sources

Government publications

Primary sources & archives

  • Do a Google search, using the word archive* plus a name or topic, to locate the repository for a particular archive. Some special collections have been digitized, like the Einstein Archives.
  • Archives Grid can help you locate archival collections worldwide. Search for personal papers and historical records.

Google Books

  • Track down a quote to see how it’s been treated in the literature, how it’s been quoted and misquoted. E.g., "God does not play dice."
  • Find links between ideas, people, places that are not usually associated. E.g., quantum physics and art.


Google Book Search