Visual Resources Collection

Explore resources related to finding and using images for teaching in the Krieger School of Arts and Sciences.

Guidelines and Codes of Best Practices for Images

Navigating the world of copyright and image use can be difficult, even for experts! The VRC recommends the following resources:

While not strictly about images, the VRC also recommends:

Citing Images:

There are lots of great resources about and ways to cite images--always check with your instructor first. When using images JSTOR, try their citation creator to get started. Edit the generated citation as needed--while a great tool, this automatic feature cannot always account for the unique metadata present in each image record. For more information on how to cite images check out this page on the Art History guide. Generally, it is best practice to include the creator of the image, title, date, repository information, location, image source, and date accessed (for web images). 


Publishing Images: Visit the Publication page of the Finding Images guide.

Recommended Copyright and Permissions Books

Free or Fee?

Looking for free and fee images? Want to get started with right clearance? Visit CAA’s Image Sources And Rights Clearance Agencies to learn more and for a list of image banks.