Visual Resources Collection
- Sheridan Libraries
- Guides
- Visual Resources Collection
- Image Use Guidelines
Hopkins Links
- JHU Copyright Compliance PolicyJHU's policy and plans related to copyright
Government Info
Guidelines and Codes of Best Practices for Images
Navigating the world of copyright and image use can be difficult, even for experts! The VRC recommends the following resources:
- The Visual Resources Association's Statement on Fair Use of Images for Teaching, Research, and Study
- The College Art Association's Code of Best Practices in Fair Use for the Visual Arts
- The Visual Resources Association's Intellectual Property Rights Committee has links to many resources about copyright and image use. For example, the Digital Image Rights Computator will help you determine the intellectual property status of a specific image.
- Art Libraries Society of North America's Fair Use in the Visual Arts: Lesson Plans for Librarians
- U.S. Copyright Office Fair Use Index
- Compendium of U. S. Copyright Office Practices: Visual Art Works
While not strictly about images, the VRC also recommends:
- The American Library Association's Fair Use page
- The Documentary Filmmakers's Statement of Best Practices in Fair Use
- The Center for Media & Social Impact's Codes of Best Practices
- Using existing works, University of Minnesota Libraries
Citing Images:
There are lots of great resources about and ways to cite images--always check with your instructor first. When using images JSTOR, try their citation creator to get started. Edit the generated citation as needed--while a great tool, this automatic feature cannot always account for the unique metadata present in each image record. For more information on how to cite images check out this page on the Art History guide. Generally, it is best practice to include the creator of the image, title, date, repository information, location, image source, and date accessed (for web images).
Publishing Images: Visit the Publication page of the Finding Images guide.
Recommended Copyright and Permissions Books
Permissions by
Call Number: KF3050.B54 2006This book explores intellectual property law as it pertains to visual imagery.Copyright and cultural Institutions by
Call Number: KF2996.H57 2009This book addresses the basics of copyright law and the exclusive rights of the copyright owner, the major exemptions used by cultural heritage institutions, and stresses the importance of “risk assessment” when conducting any digitization project.
Free or Fee?
Looking for free and fee images? Want to get started with right clearance? Visit CAA’s Image Sources And Rights Clearance Agencies to learn more and for a list of image banks.