Data Visualization

Guide for technologies, techniques, and best practices for data visualization.

Introduction to Network Visualization

A network refers to an object composed of elements and relationships or connections between those elements.

Network analysis is a collection of techniques for examining the relationships between entities, and depicting the structure of those relationships. Network analysis spans a number of domains, including social networks, bibliometrics, epidemiology, bioinformatics, complex systems, and text analysis.

Graph theory provides the formal basis for network analysis, across domains, and provides a common language for describing the structure of networks.

Network visualization involves the visualization of the relationships (edges or links) between data elements (nodes).

Network Visualization Software

Network Visualization and Analysis Programming Libraries

Programming Language
Network Visualization and Analysis Library
NetworkX is a Python package for the creation, manipulation, and study of the structure, dynamics, and functions of complex networks.
python-igraph is a Python connector to the igraph collection of network analysis tools.
igraph is an R connector to the igraph collection of network analysis tools.
visNetwork is an R package for interactive network visualization, built on the vis.js Javascript library.
JuliaGraphs is an aggregation of all the common packages in Julia for using and studying graphs, including visualization using the GraphPlot and NetworkLayout packages.