Data Visualization

Guide for technologies, techniques, and best practices for data visualization.

Resources: Select an Appropriate Visualization

Resources: Data VIsualization Software, Libraries, and Programming Languages

Programming Language Resource
General Awesome Data Vis: A curated list of awesome open-source data visualizations frameworks, libraries and software.
Python Python Graph Gallery: A taxonomy of charts in Python, organized by a data characteristics such as correlation, ranking, distribution, etc. along with corresponding code to reproduce each example.
Python Top Visualization Libraries: A comprehensive list of the top visualization libraries available in Python.
R ggplot2 Visualizations by Category: A master list of ggplot2 visualizations organized by primary purpose. This list can help you find the appropriate visualization to show the relationships you would like to convey or examine.
R Graph Gallery: A taxonomy of charts in R, organized by a data characteristics such as correlation, ranking, distribution, etc. along with corresponding code to reproduce each example.
Awesome D3: A list of interesting D3.js libraries, plugins and utilities.
D3 Discovery: An interactive discovery tool for finding D3 plugins.
D3 Tutorials: A vast collection of D3 tutorials and resources published under the D3 official repository.
D3 Graph Gallery: A taxonomy of charts in D3.js, organized by a data characteristics such as correlation, ranking, distribution, etc. along with corresponding code to reproduce each example.

Resources by Discipline and Topic

Discipline Visualization Library  
Genomics karyoploteR is an R package to create karyoplots, that is, representations of whole genomes with arbitrary data plotted on them.
Bioconductor Data Visualization software: Bioconductor provides R tools for the analysis, comprehension, and visualization of high-throughput genomic data.  
Statistics ggstatsplot is an extension of ggplot2 package for creating graphics with details from statistical tests included in the information-rich plots themselves.
Social Science ggparlimentimplements "parliament plots" - visual representations of the composition of legislatures that display seats colour-coded by party.
Economics econocharts extends ggplot2 to allow for creating microeconomics or macroeconomics charts in R with simple functions.

Data Visualization Groups

Recommended Reading