Spanish Language and Literature
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- Spanish Language and Literature
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Resources, both online and elsewhere, for the Spanish language and literature, including Latin American.
How to Find All the Books
Can't Find It In WorldCat? The following may help identify older material, verify or correct a citation, and locate obscure material. |
- Guide to Primary Literature: Spanishdetails resources (print and online) for finding works from all periods of Spanish literature
- Guide to Secondary Literature: Spanishdetails resources (print and online) for finding critical studies of Spanish literature
- NUC Catalog pre-1956 ImprintsIndexes books printed before 1956. Includes books printed in Europe and Latin America. Includes books missing from WorldCat!
- Catálogo colectivo del patrimonio bibliográfico españolA union catalog of Spanish material printed between the 15th and 20th centuries, including holding information in approximately 500 libraries.
- Manual del librero hispano-americano; bibliografía general española e hispano-americana desde la invención de la imprenta hasta nuestros tiempos, con el valor comercial de los impresos28 volumes, with a 7-volume index. Alphabetical by author's name. Complete bibliographical information on 381,897 Spanish books from 1450 to 1950.
- Libros editados en España desde 1972an online search for Spanish books.
- British Library Online CatalogueIndexes books before 1955. Also available in print: A level Reference Z921.B86 1959 QUARTO
- Use a printed bibliography (book)Do a Basic Subject search in the catalog on an author's last name and the word "bibliography", to locate them in the library.
- Digital ScriptoriumImage database of medieval and renaissance manuscripts
Find Special Resources in the Library
Find E-Texts
- Biblioteca Virtual Miguel de Cervantes1000's of texts, from the 16th to 20th centuries
- Biblioteca Digital HispánicaUn recurso en línea de la Biblioteca Nacional de España, que proporciona acceso libre y gratuito a miles de documentos digitalizados
- Hemerotecas digitalesLinks to Spanish digitized text archives
- Textos LEMIRLiteratura española Medieval y del Renacimiento
- Spanish Periodicals and Newspapers: Women's magazines Digital Collection:18th-20th centuries, most from the 19th century. A wide selection of women's magazines written by men to appeal to an elite female audience.
- IntraText Digital LibraryLarge, international archive of e-texts
- Internet ArchiveA digital library of Internet sites and other cultural artifacts in digital form.
- Online Books PageOver 1 million free books on the Web