Data Sources for International Relations (SAIS)
Politics, Public Opinion, Corruption & Risk Data
- Election Resources on the InternetA free portal to web sites with election data for over 120 countries.
- Electoral Geography 2.0Includes international electoral results at the national and provincial levels. U.S. data not current.
- IFES Election GuideElection data and information from IFES, an international nonprofit dedicated to the building of democratic societies.
- PARLINE Database on National ParliamentsThe Inter-Parliamentary Union provides information on the structure and working methods of 262 parliamentary chambers in all countries with a national legislature.
- Global Elections DatabaseProvides information on the results of both national and subnational elections around the world.
- Center for Systemic Peace: DataData sets for forcibly displaced populations, major episodes of political violence, state failure, high casualty terrorist bombings, regime authority characteristics and transitions, coups d'etats, state fragility index and conflict in India.
- Elections in Asia and the Pacific: a data handbookHistorical (published 2021) overview of national elections and referendums in the Middle East, Central Asia and the Caucasus, and South Asia.
- Elections in the Americas: a data handbookCovers North America, Central America, the Caribbean and South America up to 2003.
- Elections in Africa: a data handbookCovers elections throughout Africa up to 1998.
- Pew Global Attitudes Project Key Indicators DatabaseInteractive database with results of Pew Global Attitudes surveys conducted since 2002.
- Polling the Nations This link opens in a new windowDatabase of polls taken on a variety of subjects all over the world.
- AfrobarometerPublic attitude surveys on democracy, governance, and economic conditions in more than 35 countries.
- Arab BarometerProduces scientifically reliable data on political attitudes of ordinary citizens.
- Asian BarometerIncludes surveys
- EurobarometerSurvey and trends data search tool.
- PollingReport.comA non-partisan resource for trends in American public opinion.
- This link opens in a new windowOffers over 75 country-risk related variables, as well as forecasts, economic, political, geographic, and social data from the PRS Group’s Political Risk Services.
- Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU) Viewpoint This link opens in a new windowSource for respected country analysis reports, data, and industry information. Click on "Geography" to search by country.
- Worldwide Governance Indicators (World Bank)Reports aggregate and individual governance indicators for 212 countries and territories for six dimensions of governance.
- Freedom HouseTheir annual Freedom in the World report assesses the state of freedom in various countries.
- Transparency InternationalCheck under "What We Do" tab for Corruption By Topic and Corruption By Country data.
- Coface: Country Risk and Economic ResearchA free website offering country risk and business climate information
- Legatum Prosperity IndexAn annual ranking of 110 countries, according to a variety of factors including wealth, economic growth, personal wellbeing, governance, and quality of life.
- Polity ProjectA data resource for studying "regime change and the effects of regime authority."
For a more complete list of resources, please consult the Country Research page in the Key Resources guide.
- CQ Congress Collection This link opens in a new windowHistorical analysis of members of Congress, their legislative voting behavior, and interest groups.
- Political Money Line (CQ) This link opens in a new windowTracks contributions from corporations, associations and unions to US congressional members, candidates and party committees.
- OpenSecrets.orgFrom the Center for Responsive Politics, a source for data about money and politics in the US.
- Last Updated: Mar 11, 2025 11:04 AM
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