Data and Statistics

Finding and accessing data and statistics across a range of disciplines.

Finding COVID-19 Datasets

COVID-19 Data

For a comprehensive listing of COVID-19 datasets, please visit the COVID-19 section of the Finding Datasets for Secondary Analysis Welch Medical Library guide.

COVID-19 Statistics

For a comprehensive listing of COVID-19 statistics, please visit the COVID-19 section of the Finding Health Statistics Welch Medical Library guide.

Additional Resources

Below are some highlighted resources, as well as resources for accessing JHU specific COVID-19 patient data.

Open-Access Data

Restricted-Access Data

COVID-19 Research Data at Johns Hopkins

Access to COVID-19 related patient data at Johns Hopkins University is moderated through the Johns Hopkins Institute for Clinical and Translational Research (ICTR). To access COVID-19 data at Johns Hopkins you will need to reach out to the appropriate ICTR program. Relevant ICTR programs involved with COVID-19 data, and the associated data purview, are listed below.

ICTR Program                Program Description Resource Category
COVID-19 and Data Research Evaluation (CADRE) Committee CADRE moderates access to JHU specific COVID-19 data. Investigators needing access to institutional data for Hopkins patients to conduct COVID-19 research must either come to a convened CADRE Review meeting or request a CADRE Review waiver. CADRE Review approval, or a waiver, is a required component of the IRB application. Data Access
Core for Clinical Research Data Acquisition (CCDA) The Core for Clinical Research Data Acquisition (CCDA) assists researchers with accessing clinical data for research purposes. The CCDA is staffed with experienced data analysts who will assist you with access to data while also helping you comply with Data Trust privacy and security regulations. Data Access
Precision Medicine Analytics Platform (PMAP) The PMAP platform pulls data from the Epic Medical Record and other data sources into a Data Commons, where the data are integrated together and available in a format that is operable by sophisticated machine learning and natural language processing technologies. With IRB approval, data from the PMAP Data Commons can be provisioned into a secure Research Environment for analysis by study teams and data scientists using tools like the Jupyter notebook and PMAP-developed cohort discovery tools. Data Access and Analysis
DataTrust Research use of data from most Johns Hopkins Medicine (SOM, JHHS) health and business databases and sources, including the sharing of data with external collaborators or databases, may require review and approval by the JHM Data Trust Council. For more details see: Data Privacy and Security
COVID-19 Clinical Research Center The COVID-19 Clinical Research Center offers planning resources for investigators conducting COVID-19 research involving participant interaction, data, and stored specimens. The center also provides information about IRB approved COVID-19 research studies, links to relevant resources, and contact people to whom you can reach out for help at each stage of research. Data Collection