Data and Statistics

Finding and accessing data and statistics across a range of disciplines.

Local Resources

Vital Signs
A Baltimore Neighborhood Indicators Alliance (BNIA) publication that shows neighborhood change over time in areas of education, child and family well-being, health, housing and development, sanitation, transit, neighborhood action, and workforce and economic development.

Open Baltimore
A tool from Baltimore City that provides open access to crime, property taxes, and various city polygon layers. This tool provides visualization tools as well as download capabilities.

A tool from Maryland that provides open access to administrative, agricultural, budget, demographics, environmental, health, and many more categories of Maryland specific data.

Baltimore Education Research Consortium (BERC)

BERC was launched in 2006 and works with any university in Maryland interested in partnering with Baltimore City Schools. BERC stewards a longitudinal administrative data set for Baltimore City Public Schools, starting in the early 2000s.  Access is governed by BERC’s Research Board process.

Population and Geospatial Information

Baltimore Neighborhood Indicators Alliance - Jacob France Institute (BNIA-JFI)
The BNIA-JFI is a valuable local data resource based at the University of Baltimore.  Here you can view aggregate information at the neighborhood-level on a variety of topics. If what you find online is not sufficient for your research or teaching, they will take some special requests for thematic maps or data files. See the map gallery for thematic maps and links to other boundary maps that could help you with your spatial analysis. You can download both tabular and geospatial data files from BNIA.

EASI Market Planner (via Conquest/DataPlanet Statistical Datasets)
You can get consumer behavior, expenditures, media use, and much more down to the tract level.  You can export the data as an Excel, SAS or even GIS Shapefile.

Maryland State Data Center (MDSDC)
The MDSDC is an official partner with the U.S. Census Bureau and is based within the Maryland Department of Planning.  From the MSDC you can download data on population estimates, projections and both PDF maps and shapefiles (zip code level street maps) for MD, its counties, cities, and smaller geographies.

SimplyAnalytics is an online geospatial data product that allows the novice user to quickly create thematic maps and reports using extensive demographic, business and marketing data.  You can analyze data down to the block group. Knowledge of ArcGIS is NOT required.  If you would like to save your work, it is recommended that you create an account separate from your JHED (otherwise choose guest).  Please note that we currently only allow 5 concurrent users.  You are able to download tabular reports and shapefiles.

Social Explorer
This resource is the best resource for downloading the latest (and historic) Census data (Decennial and American Community Survey) at the Baltimore tract/block group (or other small geography) for in-depth analyses with both ArcGIS and statistical packages. Use the online interface to create your table and then download in the format of your choosing (note the .csv format with DBF friendly column labels is best for ArcGIS or for packages not already represented in the interface).  TIP: When opening your .csv file, double click on the top left corner of the table - the corner between A and 1- in order to expand columns to the correct size).  Do NOT forget to download your Data Dictionary as well.

Statistics from Local Agencies

Baltimore City Health Department
A wealth of statistical information about the state of Baltimoreans' health.

Maryland Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS)
Ongoing telephone surveillance program designed to collect data on the behaviors and conditions that place Marylanders at risk for chronic diseases, injuries, and preventable infectious diseases. The data collected are used to characterize health behaviors, ascertain the prevalence of risk factors, and target demographic groups with increased needs.

Maryland Domestic Violence Statistics
The Maryland Network Against Domestic Violence (MNADV) has been working since 1980 to eliminate domestic violence in Maryland through education, training, and advocacy.

Maryland Report Card
A collection of data compiled on an annual basis to provide information on school performance to all education stakeholders; provide information to support school improvement efforts; and to provide accountability at the state, school system and school level or reporting educational progress.

Office of Workforce Information and Performance of the Maryland Department of Labor provides up-to-date information on the Maryland Labor force including current employment and unemployment rates, the job market, listings of major employers, commuting patterns and wage data.