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Below are index citation databases that track article citations. You can find a network of related articles by tracking citing sources. You can also find most impactful articles on any topic by sorting citation numbers of search results.
Social Science Citation Indexes (SSCI)
Part of Web of Science database, SSCI cover most reputable journals in the social science fields and track citations of each journal and article.
Scopus is another highly reputable database that tracks citations of journals and articles in all subject fields.
Dimensions is the world’s largest linked research database, covering scholarly publications, grants, patents, clinical trials, datasets, policy documents, and technical reports. It enables researchers, research administrators, and their colleagues to explore and analyze links between documents, analyze research activity, identify potential collaborators, and understand the entire research landscape, encompassing individual researchers, research organizations, funders, publications, publishers, open access, trending topics, and more.
Google Scholar
Google Scholar also track citation numbers of articles and books. Google Scholar tracks all publications over the internet, whereas SSCI and Scopus only track reputable peer review journals. Google Scholar citation numbers are often significantly higher. In addition, there is no sorting option in Google Scholar.