International Studies
Explore general resources for international research. For in-depth, esp. foreign language sources, please consult relevant reseach guides focusing on specific regions, such as guides for East Asian Studies, Latin American Studies etc.
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- Catalyst
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Popular databases
- Academic Search Ultimate: broad coverage of all subjects and types of sources; a good place to start your research on any topic.
- JStor and Project MUSE: full text databases of high quality scholarly sources.
- International Political Science Abstracts (IPSA): index of leading political science journals in the world.
- Social Sciences Citation Index (Web of Science) and Scopus: databases that track citations
- CQ Electronic Library: full text databases of reference and primary sources on US politics.
- Google Scholar
General guide to library research tools
Overviews and Introductions
Oxford Handbooks Online: Political Science
Oxford Scholarship Online: Political Science
Oxford Research Encyclopedias: Politics
Oxford Reference: The International Studies Encyclopedia
The Sage Handbook of Political Science
The Sage Handbook of International Relations (2012)
Encyclopedia of American Government
Gale Virtual Reference Library