International Studies
- Sheridan Libraries
- Guides
- International Studies
- 2022 Library Orientation (East Asian Studies)
Explore general resources for international research. For in-depth, esp. foreign language sources, please consult relevant reseach guides focusing on specific regions, such as guides for East Asian Studies, Latin American Studies etc.
Library Orientation (East Asian Studies)
Finding East Asian Language Resources
Tools for finding books
- Catalyst (Library Catalog): Use Advanced Search function in Catalyst and limit search to Chinese (or Japanese, Korean as needed).
- WorldCat: use WorldCat to find books beyond our library collections.
- Duxiu (读秀): use Duxiu to find Chinese books published after 1949 to recent years. Our library owns about 700,000 books, out of the 2 million books in the database. You can request 50 pages at a time for books not owned by the library.
- CNKI Ebooks: This database includes a growing collection of 15,000+ Chinese books.
- CNKI Dissertations: This database covers Chinese theses and dissertations from 2000 to current.
Tools for finding articles and more
- For Chinese sources, the major database is CNKI. We own most resources on the platform except for Conference Proceedings, Yearbooks, Patents, and Laws. You can cross search everything that we subscribe to, including
- Academic Journals
- Theses and Dissertations
- Newspapers
- Books
- Monographic Series
- Government documents
Tools for social sciences
- 皮书数据库Chinese Economy, Public Policy and Security Database: Pishu
- CNKI中国政报公报期刊文献总库-China Government Gazettes Full Text Online
- CNKI中国统计年鉴数据库-China Statistical Yearbooks Database
- EPS数据平台 (EPS China Data)
Tools for finding historical sources
- Late Qing and Republican Era
上海图书馆近代图书近代期刊全文数据库-Full text Database of Late Qing and Republican Era Books and Magazines (1833-1949)
申报(电子版)-Shenbao (1872-1949) - Premodern China
爱如生中国基本古籍数据库-Database of China Classics Ancient Books
爱如生中国(古代)方志库(初级,二集)-China Ancient Local Gazetteers (960-1949)
四库全书-Siku Quanshu Online
漢籍全文資料庫Scripta Sinica
內閣大庫檔案Grand Secretariat Archives