International Studies

Explore general resources for international research. For in-depth, esp. foreign language sources, please consult relevant reseach guides focusing on specific regions, such as guides for East Asian Studies, Latin American Studies etc.
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Yunshan Ye
M Level, MSE Library

(410) 516-8930

What's New

New Digital Primary Sources 

We have recently expanded our holdings in digital primary sources by Proquest. Here are some of the new holdings:

>ProQuest History Vault:

  • Southern Life and African American History, 1775-1915, part 1
  • American Politics and Society from Kennedy to Watergate, not yet in sersol
  • Women's Studies Manuscript Collections from the Schlesinger Library: Voting Rights, National Politics, and Reproductive Rights
  • Latino Civil Rights during Carter Administration
  • American Politics in the Early Cold War—Truman and Eisenhower Administrations, 1945-1961

>ProQuest Legislative Insight (updated content for 2022)

>ProQuest Regulatory Insight (updated content for 2022)

>Trends and Policy: U.S. Healthcare - (a sold separately component of PQ "Trends and Policy" product), 

>Underground and Independent Comics and Graphic Novels: Volumes 1
Underground and Independent Comics and Graphic Novels: Volumes 2

>LGBT Magazine Archive Collection 1

>ProQuest Regulatory Insight Historic Rules and Guidance
URL:  this content is within Regulatory Insight.  

>DNSA 58 CIA Covert Operations: Part 4 The Eisenhower Years, 1953-1961
>DNSA 59 US Climate Change Diplomacy: From the Montreal Protocol to the to the Paris Agreement 1981-2015
>DNSA 60 Afghanistan War and the US 1998- 2017 ( not yet published)

You can find these and other digital resources relevant to Political Science at the Political Science database list or Political Science Research Guide


Latest on OA Publishing

Johns Hopkins University (JHU) Libraries is exploring several types of open access agreements with publishers to make it easier for our researchers and authors to publish more openly without fees. Take advantage of our current open access offers listed here. 

Of note, Johns Hopkins University (JHU) Libraries recently added a new partnership with Cambridge University Press (CUP) starting this year. Our corresponding authors can now publish open access in fully and hybrid open access CUP journals without paying article processing charges. Researchers must opt-in to open access upon article submission or retroactively (2022 articles only) select the open access option. JHU entered this arrangement to ensure more of JHU’s research is published open access without added costs to the researcher. 

For more information about Open Access Publishing through Johns Hopkins Libraries’ agreements contact Caitlin Carter ( or Liz Mengel ( and check our library guides: Eisenhower Library Open Access Guide and Welch Library Scholarly Publishing and Open Access Guide


Trial for Chinese Law Database, Faxin

We have just started trial for a major Chinese law database, 法信. The database covers Chinese laws, cases, interpretations, and relevant journals, books and news reports. 网址:  测试账号:zhongtu 密码:zhongtu . Please give it a try and send your feedback to Yunshan Ye ( 


Sign Up for Library Orientation Fall 2021!

To help students navigate the library system and be prepared for their class research assignments, Mr. Yunshan Ye, librarian for Political Science, International Studies and East Asian Studies, is offering a general library orientation to new and returning students in Political Science, International Studies and East Asian Studies. The one-hour workshop covers 

  • Navigating the library on site and online;
  • Tools for general search for books and articles;
  • Tools for finding subject specific sources in Political Science, International Studies and East Asian Studies;
  • How to get help when needed. 

Three identical sessions will be offered at 3pm-4pm on September 21 Tuesday, September 22 and September 23. 

To sign up, go to the link and select a session  ( Please email Librarian Yunshan Ye at if you have any questions. Thanks!


Library Update #1 (9/8/2021)

Our library has mostly resumed normal operations, even though turnover time for book requests and other services may take longer than usual, due to the ongoing challenges of the pandemic. If you have any issues with library services, please feel free to contact me directly at I will try my best to expedite the process if possible. 

Another development in the library might impact your use of the library is that the long overdue modernization project at Eisenhower Library is currently under way. Books are being moved out of the building to the off-campus storage facilities. The actual construction probably will not start until later next year and it might take two to three years (more to come on this).  In the meantime, the best way to access our library book collections is use the library catalog, Catalyst. This is true even without the modernization project. Due to limited space, the book collection inside the Eisenhower library building represents only a portion of the entire library collection.  A large chunk of the collection is housed at Library Service Center (LSC), the off-campus storage facility,  and branch libraries. Besides, our ebook collection has been growing fast, especially during the lockdown last year.  The number of ebooks is now about the same as that of print. To "browse" the entire collection (books at all locations, print and digital books), you can search the Catalyst and then use the Catalyst browse feature to find all similar books (see this blog post for details). 

--Yunshan Ye, Librarian for Political Science, International Studies and East Asian Studies