Teaching GIS and Maps
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- Teaching GIS and Maps
- Frequently Asked Questions
About Data Services
We are here to help you find, use, manage, visualize and share your data. Contact us to schedule a consultation. View and register for upcoming workshops. Visit our website to learn more about our services.
I can't remember my login and/or password, can you reset it/them for me?
Access to most of Esri's desktop software and web applications are made available through your JHED account. Instead of the ArcGIS login, log in by selecting "Your ArcGIS organization's URL". For the organization URL, enter "gisanddata" to pull up the JHU login screen.
Step 1.
Step 2.
If you cannot remember your JHED ID and password, follow online recovery instructions here.
Which GIS applications does Data Services support?
JHU Data Services supports a number of geospatial desktop and web-based applications, including the Esri suite of tools. To get a list of the software we provide downloads and licensing for, check out Software Access.
We support your GIS work in several ways:
- answering GIS technical questions;
- consulting on applying GIS to your research and/or coursework;
- providing access to Esri software downloads;
- providing access to geospatial desktop applications on our lab computers.
I am having difficulty downloading ArcGIS Desktop and/or ArcGIS Pro
Make sure you check out our detailed installation instructions for ArcGIS Desktop and ArcGIS Pro. Additional information on these can be found under Software Access on our Esri Software Access libguide.
Can I install ArcGIS Desktop and/or ArcGIS Pro on my Mac?
Check out the "Help for Mac users" at the bottom of the Software Access section on our Esri Software Access libguide.
I got a notice that I'm out of credits. Help!
All JHU ArcGIS accounts get checked every day for low credits. If you've run through your credit limit, please be patient -- your account will get more credits added to it within 24 hours.
Please note, if you run through your allocated credits more than once, we will pause re-allocating more credits to your account and reach out to you to see what you were attempting to do. We have a limited number of credits for the whole university, so we place limits on credit usage. A total of 5000 credits is assigned each year to each user, reset in early August; this is usually enough for most to make it through the full year. If you are going through a significant number of credits, we are available to help you find a workaround or less credit-intensive approach. See the section What should I do to avoid running out of credits? for tips on reserving your credits.
What are credits, anyway?
Credits are the "currency" used across ArcGIS. You consume them when you perform specific types of transactions in ArcGIS Online, or in any Esri software that's connected with ArcGIS Online (such as ArcGIS Pro). Credit-intensive transactions include using premium content and certain geoprocessing tools. Esri has detailed documentation on credits here.
What should I do to avoid running out of credits?
Often, when people run out of credits, it's because they were using a credit-heavy tool like geocoding, geoenrichment, and/or network analysis. Here are some basic recommendations:
Practice good data management.
Make sure you are only running analyses on the data you need. For example, if you are geoenriching a layer, go through and select the attributes you need.
Test a subset of your data before running the full dataset.
Make sure the tool does what you expect it to, and that the results are in line with what you are looking for.
Geocode strategically.
- If your addresses are located within Maryland, use the MD Geocoder. This composite address locator is a free resource for geocoding within the state of Maryland.
- If many of your addresses are within Maryland, separate your file and run two geocoding processes: one using the MD Geocoder and the other using Esri's World Geocoding Service. Merge your files back together after geocoding both of your datasets.
- If your data contains XY or Lat/Long coordinates, your data already has spatial information. That means you don't need to geocode!
In ArcGIS Online, follow these steps to publish a csv file as a feature layer.
In ArcGIS Pro, follow these steps to display your table using x, y coordinates. - If you have a large number of files to geocode and anticipate running out of credits, contact JHU Data Services for more options.
How do I check how many credits I have left?
The easiest way to check your credits is to click on your profile name at the top of your AGOL page, then click My Settings in the menu that appears, and then find the Credits option on the left-hand side of the page. Screenshots below:
How can I start learning GIS?
There are lots of ways to get started. If you are unfamiliar with what GIS or geospatial means, check out our Geospatial Concepts libguide. Additionally, here are a few of our favorite resources for learning ArcGIS-specific software and tools:
- Map hurricane evacuation routes in Houston, TX (ArcGIS Online) - this free, introductory tutorial will walk you through how to create a web map.
- Getting Started with StoryMaps - made by the Esri StoryMaps team, this StoryMap will take you step-by-step through creating your first StoryMap.
- Map tourist spots in Singapore (ArcGIS Pro) - this free, introductory tutorial will familiarize you with the features in ArcGIS Pro.
- Map the impact of roads on deforestation in the Amazon (ArcGIS Pro) - this free, multi-part lesson plan will walk you through the features in ArcGIS Pro.
I want more! What else do you recommend?
Great! Check out our "Resources for Learning GIS" section.
Would you be willing to guest lecture a class for me?
Certainly! Start by checking out our list of typically offered Trainings & Workshops on our website, or go directly to our specific GIS & Mapping offerings. Then email us to talk about what you're looking for.
What sort of workshops do you offer?
We offer trainings and workshops in a number of topics, including GIS and Mapping. Visit our website to:
- see our full list of Trainings & Workshops
- see our GIS & Mapping workshops
- see what is being offered soon in our Workshops Calendar
- see our asynchronous, online training offerings
What happens when I leave JHU?
See the "Transferring Your ArcGIS Online content" section of our libguide.