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Resources for 19th and Early 20th Century China
Primary Sources in Print
Multi-volume sets for Qing and Republic Era
Qing Documents
- 清代軍機處隨手登記檔 (180v)
- 乾隆朝軍機處隨手登記檔 (46)
- 清代中南海档案 (30 v)
- 大清歷朝實錄 (94 v)
- 明清史料 (甲,乙,丙, 戊, 己编)
- 淸内務府檔案文獻匯編 (9 v)
- 黑图档:康熙朝 (53 v)
- 清史编年 (12 v)
- 清通鑑 (22 v)
- 清史稿 (48 v)
- 清史稿列傳 (7 v)
- 清史列傳 (10 v)
- 清代稿鈔本 (50 v)
- 清代稿抄本 第二辑 (50 v)
- 欽定大清會典 (24 v)
- 十朝東華錄 (64 v)
- 碑傳集 (9 v)
- 碑傳集補 (4 v)
- 續碑傳集 (5 v)
- 國朝耆獻類徵初編 (65 v)
- 淸代筆記叢刊 (4 v)
- 大清历朝实录 (microfilm 122 reels)
Qing Borderland and Foreign Relations
- 清代新疆档案选辑 (91 v)
- 清代新疆稀见奏牍汇编 (8 v)
- 新疆圖志:附索引 (4 v)
- 近現代中國邊疆界務資料:三编 (10 v)
- 中國第二歷史檔案館所存西藏和藏事檔案彙編 (30 v)
- 清代外務部中外關係檔案史料叢編:中西關係卷 (3 v)
- 清代外務部中外關係檔案史料叢編:中葡關係卷 (2 v)
- 清代外務部中外關係檔案史料叢編:中英關係卷 (5 v)
- 清代外務部中外關係檔案史料叢編:中美關係卷 (8 v)
- 清代台灣關係諭旨檔案彙編 (9 v)
- 西巡大事記 (12 v)
- 清朝蒙古实录 (6 v)
- 晚清日本驻华领事报告编译:The compilation and translation of Japanese consular reports in China during the late Qing Dynasty (6 v)
- 清末民初报刊图画集成 (46 v)
- 清末民初報刊圖畫集成 (20 v)
- 淸末民初報刊圖畫集成續編 (20 v)
- 淸史图典:淸朝通史图录 (12 v)
- 清代報刊圖畫集成 (13 v)
- 時事畫報 (10 v)
Women's Studies
- 中国近代女性文学大系 (12 v)
- 近代女性史研究資料匯編 (48 v)
- 近代女性史研究資料續編 (45 v)
- 中國近現代女性學術叢刊 (17 v)
- 中國近現代女性學術叢刊續編:1 (20 v)
- 中國近現代女性學術叢刊續編:2 (20 v)
- 中國近現代女性學術叢刊續編:4 (18 v)
Social/Local Conditions
- 清代地方人物傳記叢刊 (11 v)
- 国家图书馆藏清代民国调查丛刊 (31 v)
- 民国时期西南边疆档案资料汇编:
- 民国时期社会调查丛编 一编人口卷
- 民国时期社会调查丛编 一编底边社会卷
- 民国时期社会调查丛编 一编乡村社会卷
- 民国时期社会调查丛编 一编社会保障卷
- 民国时期社会调查丛编 一编 社会组织卷
- 民国时期社会调查丛编:二编 (12 v)
- 中国新文学大系, 1927-1937 (20 v)
- 中国新文学大系 导论集
- 中国近代女性文学大系 (12 v)
- 晚清报载小说戏曲禁毀史料汇编 (2 v)
Socialist Era
- 建党以来重要文献选编:一九二一-一九四九 (26 v)
- 北京市重要文献选编 (17 v)
- 怀望遥远的青春:山东知青档案实述 (3 v)
Taiwan Sources
- 清代台灣關係諭旨檔案彙編 (9 v)
- 臺灣總督府檔案抄錄契約文書:第1輯 (10 v)
- 臺灣總督府檔案抄錄契約文書:第貳輯 (35 v)
- 中國近代史論叢:第1輯 (10 v)
Overseas Chinese
- 近代华侨史研究资料汇编 (44 v)
- 近代华侨史研究资料续编 (43 v)
Primary Sources Digital
Digitized Newspapers and Periodicals
- 上海图书馆近代图书近代期刊全文数据库-Full text Database of Late Qing and Republican Era Books and Magazines (1833-1949)
Our current subscription covers late Qing and Republican era books and magazines, but not Newspapers and Contemporary Periodicals. - 申报(电子版)-Shenbao (1872-1949)
- Late Qing and Early Republican Era Newspapers
- 大成老旧刊全文全文数据库 Dacheng Old Journals Database
- Compilations of Chinese Medicine Periodicals (Brill)
- Chinese Women's Magazines in Late Qing and Early Republican Era (Open Access)
Digitized Book Collections
- 爱如生中国基本古籍数据库-Database of China Classics Ancient Books
- 爱如生中国(古代)方志库(初级,二集)-China Ancient Local Gazetteers (960-1949)
- 四库全书-Siku Quanshu Online
Needs to download the reader software on your computer first (link here). - 漢籍全文資料庫Scripta Sinica
- [Click on 授权使用 to access]
- 內閣大庫檔案Grand Secretariat Archives
[Click on 授权使用 to access]
[We also own 清宫内务府造办档案总汇 55 volumes (digital file) Contact East Asian Studies Librarian at yye@jhu.edu for information] - 明實錄 朝鮮王朝實錄 清實錄 資料庫(open access)
The project was a cooperative effort between Academia Sinica of Taiwan and Korea (South) Committee for the Compilation of National History. It is full text searchable in 明實錄 朝鮮王朝實錄 清實錄.
明清妇女著作 (open access)
This online digital archive of Ming Qing Women's Writings currently contains digitized images of 161 collections of writings by women that are in the holdings of participating libraries (Harvard Yenching Library, Peking University Library, Sun Yat-sen University Library, National Library of China, East China Normal University Library).
Primary Sources in English
General Sources
- Area Studies: China and Southeast Asia
A wide range of sources by Western travelers, diplomats, businessmen, missionaries on various aspects of history and culture of China and Southeast Asia from 17th to 20th century. - Asia and the West: Diplomacy and Cultural Exchange (in Nineteenth Century Collections Online)
Includes British Foreign Office, US Consular and diplomatic records, missionary and social-economic journals in relation to China, Japan, and other areas of Asia during the nineteenth century. - China, America and the Pacific: Trade & Cultural Exchange
Includes an extensive range of archival material connected to the trading and cultural relationships that emerged between China, America and the Pacific region between the 18th and early 20th centuries. Manuscript sources, rare printed texts, visual images, objects and maps document this fascinating history. - China: Culture and Society 1750-1929
Rare pamphlets from the Charles W. Watson Collection on East Asia, at Cornell University Library; one of the oldest and most distinctive collections of its kind, and a very rich source for research on China -
China and the Modern World Digital Archives
Including the following archives:
Diplomacy and Political Secrets, 1860-1950
Hong Kong, Britain, and China 1841-1951
Imperial China and the West Part 1: 1815-1881
Imperial China and the West Part II: 1865-1905
Missionary, Sinology and Literary Periodicals 1817-1949
Records of Maritime Customs Records of China 1854-1949
- China: Trade, Politics, and Culture 1793-1980
Includes a wide range of manuscripts from government reports related to Chinese Maritime Custom Service to personal accounts of the Boxer War. Also includes missionary journals such as The Chinese Recorder, Light and Life Magazine, and The Land of Sinim: the North China Mission Quarterly Paper. - Chinese Students Monthly Online
The Chinese Students’ Monthly is the first magazine published by Chinese students in the United States from 1906-1931. This publication became the official organ of the enlarged Chinese student organization: The Chinese Students’ Alliance in the US.
Missionary and Travel Sources
- Church Missionary Society Periodicals
Documenting missionary work from the 19th to the 21st century, the periodicals include news, journals and reports offering a unique perspective on global history and cultural encounter, including coverage of missionary work in China and other Asian areas. - Church Missionary Society -- East Asia Missions
This collection contains the letter books, administrative material and other original papers (including those of individual missionaries) of the CMS missions in Japan and China and of the Church of England Zenana Missionary Society in India from the 1810s to the 1950s. - Church Missionary Society -- Mission for Women
Included here are papers of the Society for Promoting Female Education in China, India and the East, the Zenana, Bible and Medical Mission and the Indian Female Normal School and Instruction Society, and various publications focusing on the CMS's missionary work among women, including India's Women and China's Daughters (1880-1957) and The Indian Female Evangelist (1872-1956). - Medieval Travel Writing
Includes manuscripts of some of the most important works of European travel writing from the later medieval period. The chief focus is on journeys to central Asia and the Far East, including accounts of travel to Mongolia, Persia, India, China and South-East Asia. - Missionary, Sinology and Literary Periodicals 1817-1949
Includes a collection of 17 English-language periodicals published in or about China during a period of over 130 years, extending from 1817 until the founding of the People’s Republic of China in 1949. This resource features a significant collection of articles and photos on the founding and development of Christian higher education in China, including the establishment and growth into prominence of such institutions as Yenching University, the University of Nanking, Ginling College, Shandong Christian University, Soochow University, St. John’s University, Shanghai Baptist College, and the Canton Christian College. - Travel Writing, Spectacle, and World History
This resource brings together hundreds of accounts by women of their travels across the globe from the early 19th century to the late 20th century. Includes travel accounts to China and other Asian areas.
Government Sources
- Foreign Office Files for China, 1919-1980
- 1919-1929: Kuomintang, CCP and the Third International
- 1930-1937: The Long March, civil war in China and the Manchurian Crisis
- 1938-1948: Open Door, Japanese war and the seeds of communist victory
- 1949-1956: The Communist revolution
- 1957-1966: The Great Leap Forward
- 1967-1980: The Cultural Revolution
- Policing the Shanghai International Settlement, 1894-1945
These files represent a large portion of the archives of the British-run municipal police force based in Shanghai's former international settlement. This self-governing area was administered not by the Chinese but by the international group of merchants and bankers who paid the taxes and controlled the municipal council. The time period covered by these files extends from 1894 to 1945, and the most extensive coverage is provided by the special branch dossier files, which date from 1929-1945.
Books, Articles, Dissertations (Chinese and English)
- CNKI电子图书库-CNKI-EBooks
Includes 10k+ ebooks published by major publishers in China covering various topics on contemporary and Republic Era China. - CNKI中国学术期刊全文数据库-China Academic Journal Full Text Online(CAJ)
- CNKI中国学术辑刊全文数据库-China Monographic Series Full Text Online
- CNKI中国学术论文全文数据库-China Theses and Dissertations Database (2000-)
Scholarly References and Journals
- Last Updated: Nov 18, 2024 4:00 PM
- URL: https://guides.library.jhu.edu/east-asia
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