East Asian Studies
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News Sources on East Asia
News on/from East Asia: in English
- Japan Times (English)
- Nikkei Asia (English)
- Korea Pro (English)
- NK News Pro (English)
- Korea Times, 1956-2016 (English)
- Far Eastern Economic Review Archive 1946-2009 (English)
- South China Morning Post 1903-2001 (English)
- Access World News - China (includes Beijing Review, China Daily, Global Times etc)
- Access World News - Japan (includes Japan Times, Japan News, JCN Network etc)
- Access World News - South Korea (includes Korean Times etc)
- Nexis Uni - China (click on "Add All These as Search Filters" before search)
- Nexis Uni - Japan (click on "Add All These as Search Filters" before search)
- Nexis Uni - South Korea (click on "Add All These as Search Filters" before search)
- South China Morning Post (HK) via Proquest 2017-present; 1993-present
- China Daily, International via Proquest 2013-present;
- Caixin Global 2019-current; China Daily 2002-current via Nexis Uni (first select publication, then search for articles)
News on/from East Asia: in Chinese/Japanese
Major Newspapers with Full Digital Subscriptions (accessible via computer or apps)
General News Sources
- Access World News Research Collection
This comprehensive news collection is ideal for exploring issues and events at the local, regional, national and international level. With over 8,000 sources, its diverse source types include print and online-only newspapers, blogs, newswires, journals, broadcast transcripts and videos. Use it to explore a specific event or to compare a wide variety of viewpoints on topics such as politics, business, health, sports, cultural activities and people. - Economist Historical Archive, 1843-2020
- Nexis Uni
Nexis Uni, previously known as Lexis Nexis Academic, contains the full text of hundreds of publications, including law journals, wire services, country economic reports, government publications, magazines, newspapers, news digests, and industry-specific newsletters and periodicals. - Southeast Asian Newspaper
Southeast Asia in the late-Nineteenth and early-Twentieth centuries was largely and violently controlled by Western colonial powers, with most of the region divided among the British, French, Dutch, Spanish, and American empires, supplanted by a brief period of Japanese colonialism following the outbreak of war in Europe and the Pacific. The post-World War II era witnessed a series of revolutions as local leaders looked to regain independence from colonial powers. Decolonization efforts spread throughout the region, alongside turmoil and bloodshed, ultimately leaving the newly independent states in charge of their own political, economic, and social pathways for the first time in decades. - Proquest International Newsstream
- Proquest US Newsstream
- Last Updated: Feb 7, 2025 1:53 PM
- URL: https://guides.library.jhu.edu/east-asia
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