Biomedical Engineering and Design
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- Biomedical Engineering and Design
- Codes and Classifications (incl. HCUP and ICD)
Codes and Classifications
Health care reimbursement is complex.
- ICD (International Classification of Diseases) is maintained by the CDC with the authorization of World Health Organization, and is international.
- CPT (Current Procedural Terminology) is maintained by the American Medical Association, and is United States only.
Please read the Health Care Reimbursement guide, especially the Reimbursement Toolkit page, which also has information about "Classification and Coding Systems":
CPT -- Current Procedural Terminology
- The American Medical Association produces this annual list to classify and report medical services and procedures.
--- Overview of what CPT codes are, and descriptions of CPT categories I, II, and III
--- Look up CPT codes for free on the AMA website (create a free account, and click "agree" for the terms)
--- You can also look around the web for CPT codes, but please add to your search (so that you get U.S. government results), and/or get *several* results from the web, so that you can verify that the code you found is correct
- Public and private health insurance programs depend on CPT codes to describe medical, surgical, and diagnostic services, to manage reimbursements, and to facilitate reliable nationwide communication among physicians, other healthcare providers, patients, and third parties.
HCPCS -- Healthcare Common Procedure Coding System
The HCPCS has two levels:
- CPT (whose information is on the previous tab)
- DMEPOS -- For "products, supplies, and services NOT included in the CPT codes, such as ambulance services and durable medical equipment, prosthetics, orthotics, and supplies (DMEPOS) when used outside a physician's office."
--- This system was created to identify services, supplies, and equipment that are not included in the CPT but which *are* covered by Medicare and other insurers.
Here is the DMEPOS fee schedule that you can search
- Unlike the CPT and ICD, you *cannot* search this with keywords, but only with the DMEPOS code itself
- The easiest way to find those is by searching the open web, but look at more than one source to make sure you've found the correct code
HCUP (Healthcare Costs and Utilization Project) and HCUPnet
(To go directly to the HCUPnet database, scroll to the bottom.)
- The Healthcare Cost and Utilization Project (HCUP) collects the data from "State data organizations, hospital associations, private data organizations, and the Federal government," and "includes the largest collection of longitudinal hospital care data in the United States," beginning in 1988. HCUP is run by the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ).
- HCUPnet has databases of inpatient, ER, and ambulatory surgery statistics. These are estimates based on a sampling of data provided by each state. All 50 states participate in the inpatient sample, but the outpatient statistics are only provided by states representing about 2/3 of the U.S. population.
- HCUP data come in two types: (1) The underlying datasets, which require some red tape and the use of statistical software such as SPSS; and (2) HCUPnet, which is an online search tool providing immediate results.
National statistics -- updated annually
State statistics -- updated as new state data are processed
Note: There is at least an 18-month lag between the end of the calendar year and the availability of the Nationwide Inpatient Sample (NIS)
Tutorials: Free, short, interactive tutorial is recommended; here are more tutorials)
NOTE: As of 2021, ICD-10 codes are no longer available *within* HCUPnet.
-- Find ICD-10 codes from the WHO or the CDC (add search terms)
The ICD-10-CM Coding Guidelines provide a number of examples:
----Table of Contents of the Guidelines: pp.2-6; very helpful
----Section I: Conventions, general coding guidelines and chapter-specific guidelines
----Section II: Selection of principal diagnosis
----Section III: Reporting additional diagnoses
----Section IV: Diagnostic coding and reporting guidelines for outpatient services
"HCUPnet does provide the ability to query clinical conditions and surgeries by the Clinical Classifications Software Refined (CCSR), which "aggregates International Classification of Diseases, 10th Revision, Clinical Modification/Procedure Coding System (ICD-10-CM/PCS) codes into clinically meaningful categories."
- "For any HCUP database, tool, or product-related questions," see the HCUP FAQ page or contact User Support at
HCUPnet -- The Database Itself
- Go to the HCUPnet page
- "Inpatient" will get you the most information
- NOTE: The numbers in "Emergency Department" and in "Ambulatory Surgery" only represent patients from about 2/3 of U.S. hospitals. Therefore, multiply the numbers you get by 3/2.
Refining Your Results
The blue navigation bar on the left includes several ways to focus your results, including:
- results by patient or hospital characteristics
- settings of care, geography, and year of analysis
- all-listed vs. principal diagnosis or procedure (remember that principle will not include patients who had the diagnosis as a secondary or tertiary problem, so think about whether you want ONLY that main diagnosis, or ALL patients who had it, no matter what else they had).
Your results can also be graphed and exported (click SUBMIT at the bottom to make your changes).
Note: Some selections on the blue navigation bar might be greyed out -- this could be because of the database type, data year (after 2015, when ICD-10-CM/PCS codes were introduced); principal versus all-listed diagnosis (procedure); or other reason.
To clear your selections, either go back to the home page (this will clear everything), or change your selections on the blue navigation bar, and click SUBMIT again.
ICD - International Classification of Disease
ICD-11 became the official version on January 1, 2022.
However, it is still being rolled out, and ICD-10 is still widely in use. Therefore, always take careful note of which version of the ICD is being used or referenced in whatever database or other tool you are using.
More about ICD-11
ICD-11 Overview: Key Facts, History, and References (September 2023; National Committee on Vital and Health Statistics [NCVHS])
ICD-11 codes for Mortality and Morbidity (on the WHO site)
ICD General Information
- The ICD is used to code signs, symptoms, injuries, diseases, and conditions
- It standardizes reporting of illness, death, and medical procedures; and the classification of diseases and other health problems recorded on many types of health and vital records, such as death certificates
- This allows the compilation of national mortality and morbidity statistics by WHO Member States, which is also essential for compiling of statistical info about diseases in a format that allows international comparison of those data.
ICF -- International Classification of Functioning, Disability, and Health
This classification was created by the World Health Organization (WHO) and approved in 2001.
Its purpose is to provide a "framework for measuring health and disability at both individual and population levels."
The WHO page about the ICF includes:
- an overview of the classification, written by the CDC
- an easy way to browse the sections online
(Remember that this framework is only one piece of a complicated landscape!)