
Tips and tricks for using RefWorks to manage citations, create bibliographies, and share citations.

Trouble Loading RefWorks Citation Manager?

To get RCM, try this first:

  1. Open a Word document
  2. Insert
  3. Click "Admin Managed":

  4. if you do not see "Admin Managed," click "My Add-ins":

  5. Click on "RefWorks Citation Manager":
  6. The RCM panel will open on the right

If that does not work:

  1. CREATE your Word document and save it
  2. SIGN OUT of MicroSoft Word (instructions attached)
  3. Go to this page of the Microsoft office store
  4. Click "open in Word" --> Open Link
  5. Re-open your document
  6. On top, go to INSERT --> Click on My add-ins --> ADD
  7. RefWorks Citation Manager should open on the right

Unfortunately, you will need to do all of this every time you open your Word documents.