
Locate key business information resources for academic research.

Articles and News

Often the only way to retrieve information on private companies is through article indexes and news sources. Search on your company name, or its parent company, in core resources on the news and articles page.

Search Tips:
  • Add product or location to your search, if the company name is too common, or the search results are too broad.
  • Target news and business sources of the geographic region where the company is based or where its headquarters are located.

Statistics or Rankings

Read Me First

Privately held companies are not required to file financial data with the Securities Exchange Commission (SEC), nor do they sell stock to the public.

Unless they willingly provide annual reports or information, or are the subjects of news articles, research on private companies will be challenging. Start with the company's website and Google searches, before using the resources below. Sometimes researching the parent company also may yield financials or other information about the business. 

If you cannot find enough information, consider choosing a public company instead. 

Directories and Profiles

Directories typically provide brief facts and limited financial data for private companies, usually revenue or sales and total employee counts. Some sources provide exact figures; others provide estimates or ranges. Consult more than one resource; coverage varies. Start with S&P Netadvantage and PrivCo company profiles for more details.

Use the JHU Libraries Catalog (Catalyst) to locate historical, print business directories, if needed. Ward's Business Directory includes a volume that ranks businesses within a NAICS or SIC industry code.

Regional Business Journals and Rankings

BizJournals Digital Portal

Start with BizJournals Digital Portal to read or search within the business journals of the geographic region where the company is based or where its headquarters are located.

This database includes business journals from 40 major American cities, including the Baltimore Business Journal and the Washington Business Journal. It provides enhanced digital versions of the current and archived print issues; news articles; searchable digital editions of the popular Book of Lists for local business rankings of all 40 markets; and links to information about local, business-oriented events. Select a city from the drop-down menus to read a current issue or use the search boxes to locate articles. This database is limited to 20 simultaneous users.


Book of Lists (Baltimore Business Journal)

View the JHU Libraries Catalog record for locations and editions. Use BizJournals Digital Portal to access the current edition for annual rankings of local businesses by industry, including a table on private companies.


Book of Lists (Washington Business Journal)

View the JHU Libraries Catalog record for locations and editions.  Use BizJournals Digital Portal to access the current edition for business rankings for the Washington, D.C. region.