- Sheridan Libraries
- Guides
- Business
- Advertising
Winmo (formerly Red Books)
Rankings and exclusive information on U.S. and international advertisers who spend over $200,000 annually on advertising. Company listings include: advertising expenditures by media; current agency; fiscal year-end and annual sales; contact information on key personnel; brand name; and industry classifications. Access limited to two concurrent users.
Concise Encyclopedia of Advertising by
Call Number: HF5803.C59 2005The Advertising Age Encyclopedia of Advertising by
Call Number: HF5803.A38 2003 QUARTO
Search in the news and core article databases through the links on the left side of this guide for more recent or specific information.
Other Related Indexes:
- Academic Search Ultimate
- Communication and Mass Media Complete
- Sage Journals Online (includes Communication Studies collection)
Use the search tools through the Video link on the left side of this guide to identify other media about advertising and marketing, or particular companies. View non-circulating media within a desk in the library's Audio-Visual section.
Popular Videos:
CLIO Advertising Awards
View collections of these award winning ads through the library's DVDs or video-streaming databases.
Advertising Expenditures
Company-Specific Expenditures:
Advertising expenditures, which supplement the income statement, may be available at the discretion of the company. Advertising expenditures for industries that rely heavily on television advertising (food or beverage) are better represented.
Start with the databases listed, a company's annual report or the business article databases for information on a company's advertising expenditures or costs of campaigns.
- Advertising Age
Search this database or use the library's article databases to identify specific content in articles from Advertising Age. The library has Advertising Age in print (M-level Current Periodicals Room), online, and historically on microfiche.
Within Advertising Age, click on the Data Center to retrieve top advertisers' rankings, and advertising expenditures by type of medium.
- Winmo (formerly Red books)
Advertising expenditures by company; further breakdown by media type will vary by company. Two concurrent users permitted. Please log out when done.
- Compustat (available to JHU faculty and graduate students for academic research only)
Access Compustat through the Wharton Research Data Service for historical data reported by U.S. and foreign companies. Some companies disclose advertising expenditures.
Rankings and Statistics
Statistical Abstract of the United States
Look up Advertising, and also Media, in the Index for relevant table numbers. Print copies exist under Proquest Statistical Abstract of the United States.
Call Number: M-Level Reference HA 202 (for latest edition)
Advertising Age
Search this database or the business article databases for information from this key publication. The library has Advertising Age in print (M-level Current Periodicals Room), online, and historically on microfiche.
Click on the Data Center link in Advertising Age for rankings on the top advertisers and expenditures by medium.
Print Almanacs and Yearbooks for Historical Research:
- World Almanac and Book of FactsCall Number: AY 67 .N5 W82Some volumes contain Advertising Age's ranked list of 100 leading U.S. advertisers and also U.S. ad spending by category and advertising medium.
- International Television and Video AlmanacCall Number: HE 8698 .I55Refer to previous editions of this annual publication for rankings and statistics, if doing historical research before 2014.
- Broadcasting and Cable YearbookCall Number: HE 8689 .B77Refer to this volume for historical advertising statistics and rankings.
Ad Placement and Rates
- Directory of Publications and Broadcast Media (in Gale Directory Library)Choose this directory in the Advanced Search screen to identify and locate television stations, radio stations, cable television companies, directories, newsletters, newspapers, and periodicals to target for advertising your products or services. Ad rates by organization may or may not be available for each entry.
Web Sites and Digital Collections
Digital access to one of Duke University's advertising collections. Images and information include over 7,000 advertisements from U.S. and Canadian newspapers and magazines between 1911 and 1955. Subjects include: radio, television, transportation, beauty and hygiene, and World War II.
Track branding and advertising strategies, developments and resources from Adweek. Register for limited, free access to selected information. Click on horizontal bars for other content.
CLIO Awards
Online access to recent CLIO award-winning advertisements. Additional, historical coverage available through the library's video collection and Films on Demand database.
Luerzer's Archive
Archive of international print and video ads.
Meta Ad Library
Search the ads currently running across Meta technologies, as well as:
- Ads about social issues, elections or politics that have run in the past seven years
- Ads that have run anywhere in the EU in the past year
Super Bowl Advertisements
Recent and archived Super Bowl commercials.